Ironing day...

Yup, while I thought I am going to do some 30 mins stints around the house today I changed my mind when seeing the ironing pile growing again to a mountain. So there you go, nice ironing in front of the TV, 2 washes done and hung up. Will probably hoover the stairs as well.

Yesterday was the 25th January ... and while we DID have a burns supper (without the poems, music, whisky and cranachan that is), I totally forgot to take pictures. So I thought I take photos today, but again missed it. So I may give it a miss until tomorrow? ;) Who knows.

Weather outside is nice and sunny, but looks awfully cold. Hope the weather stays like that (i.e. no rain ... can accept snow but no rain!!) as I am planning to have a look at our garden Thursday/Friday.

Ah well... off to find more shirt hangers ... got tons of those trouser/skirt clippy ones but no proper ones downstairs. :o


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