Brexshit thoughts & bilingualism...

Warning - some mild swearing and POLITICS (in a life affecting way)!!
Today I've been thinking about the current political situation in the UK and the whole uncertainty for EU Expats in the UK once the whole “Brexshit” hits the fan! We don’t get information, getting strung along. Hubby is more active in the whole thing (probably because he’s kinda keen for Scotland to go for IndyRef2 - mostly because Scotland voted to remain in the EU and because he sees a lot of issues with Westminster), and his brain is working slightly different (maybe a “side effect” of his Dyslexia?) and he can “see” things 3-4 steps ahead more so than others. There are things coming through about driving licenses (I had to swap my German one to get a UK one - which so far is still EU valid but that will all change once Brexit is through). The EU has been writing papers about that situation way back in January I believe, but the UK gov has not even touched on that subject. Lots of other things.
Sooo… guess what… today I have been looking in some forums about the option to move back to Germany. Do I want to move back to Germany? Actually, not really… I’m here in the UK for 20 years come October (with only 6 months in London and the rest of the time Scotland) - that’s nearly half my lifetime!!! I can only imagine that there will be a huge culture shock for me, given that Germany has changed dramatically since I left in the late 90s.
Then we have the issue of hubby speaking a bit German, and my girls barely understanding German. YAY!! Another huge rock throwing topic!! I had the best intentions of raising the girls bilingual, but with me having all Scottish friends and working in an all english-speaking job (back then and mostly now) it just didn’t work. And to keep in mind that I’ve lived in the UK for 13 years with NO NEED to speak or use my German much - my girls were only born in 2011. Some of my friends raised their kids bilingual (English & Austrian) where the mum spoke to the kids in English while the dad only spoke Austrian. While the kids understand Austrian, they will always reply in English. So I kinda felt windicated. My mum’s not happen that the girls are not speaking German, but .. as I said… not that easy, if I barely use German myself (really only happens when we’re going to visit my family = 1-2 times a year). Oh, and the added issue with the girls getting taught French in primary first now (used to be elective either French or German for the classes) and won’t start with Germany until they’re in P5 (that’s in 2 years).
I’ve not even posted in those German Expats forums, because I don’t need any “external downbeating” and gasping that I didn’t raise my children bilingual. I know, I should have done, and with the whole Brexshit things would be so much easier for moving purposes (if needed). I am planning on pushing the German more again (all our Disney DVDs are bilingual btw - bought in Germany on purpose), but right now I’m kinda more beating myself up about not doing more.
Then we have the whole thing about possible moving. Do we want to stay in the UK and see how things pan out? Do we want to seriously consider moving? Do I actually want to move back to Germany?!?!?! My life & friends are over here, I love my job … I don’t have that many friends left in Germany. We own our house here, while in Germany most people rent and I have NO idea how expensive it would be to buy/what the options are. What are the options for hubby and me job-wise? What about schools for the girls while their German is barely existent?
While I’d prefer to be close to my family in Germany and retain the EU citizenship for hubby (girls are dual nationals, while I’m only German) and keep the close ties to Europe, it would be easier for us to move to an English speaking country. Hubby and I toyed with the idea way back before twins to move to Canada… Buuuuut… we’re on the wrong side of 40 now, so the point system is against us there I think. Job wise it would be easier to get to Canada for hubby than Germany I think though… Not sure if Ireland would be an option for us…
Ok… right, I better shut up now… sorry for doing this brain dump and moan and angsty post. My problem right now is that we can see a lot of things going to shit and things getting worse here. And the worst part is that we have several people (interestingly my family in Germany as well) saying that things won’t be as bad, that we’ll be fine up in Scotland etc etc etc. Funnily enough, lots of people who are saying that now didn’t think the “leave the EU” vote would happen!! Track record there???


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