
Showing posts from January, 2009

Day before Superbowl

Yup, very important day. It's the day where we sort out the raffle prizes, find the money boxes, get the merchandise that lives at Wolves HQ (not that much anymore, most is now at JKC!) sorted and do other bits and bobs. I've spoken to my friend yesterday - he's got a viral infection with fever etc, so is not flying up to visit us tonight (understandable). Shame really - we have seen him the last time 2 years ago (he didn't have time to meet up when we visited my family in April and December 2008). :o Ah well... there's hoping to him coming up for one of our Wolves games (which is his intention). That means... I am going to take Tuesday/Wednesday time for some scrapping as I've pushed my working days to Thursday/Friday. :) Monday will be tough because we won't be home until about 4:30pm I'd assume (Superbowl doesn't kick off until 11pm on Sunday!) and then we have our annual Post Superbowl Wolves AYCE buffet - this year at Jimmy Chungs (past year...

Wolves HQ is working...

I've just perforated 40 sheets of season tickets (i.e. 200 tickets) which I've stamped yesterday with the new Wolves lid stamp. Still got 60 more sheets to stamp & perforate, but it's a beginning!! :) The production line will now go downstairs to AP to cut & staple the season tickets. Well.. I'm off to the gym in a bit - will take the car (even though it's not far) to give it a bit of a drive and to see how the battery is holding up. Then back to more stamping... and perforating! :)

(good) Morning!!

Don't you just hate that? It's your day off work, you have to take early meds (6:30am) and were hoping for going back to bed for another 2 hours or so ... and then you cannot sleep!! I have a little headache, DH had to get up early for work and his phone alarm was going off a couple of times and there's just no way you can shave and shower quietly in an en-suite. So now I am up and about. Was thinking of going to the gym very early today (that was my thought yesterday), as in 7am, but decided against it (because of the headache). Hoping I will fall asleep again soon, or I will have to take an afternoon nap. :o Today will see me stamping more Wolves season tickets, making hopefully 2 CJ entries and Layouts (crafty day! WAHEY!) and going to the gym. Let's hope for the best on that front. :) So... may read a bit ... or maybe edit photos so I can show you my last couple (????!!) PODs... :D

Ironing day...

Yup, while I thought I am going to do some 30 mins stints around the house today I changed my mind when seeing the ironing pile growing again to a mountain. So there you go, nice ironing in front of the TV, 2 washes done and hung up. Will probably hoover the stairs as well. Yesterday was the 25th January ... and while we DID have a burns supper (without the poems, music, whisky and cranachan that is), I totally forgot to take pictures. So I thought I take photos today, but again missed it. So I may give it a miss until tomorrow? ;) Who knows. Weather outside is nice and sunny, but looks awfully cold. Hope the weather stays like that (i.e. no rain ... can accept snow but no rain!!) as I am planning to have a look at our garden Thursday/Friday. Ah well... off to find more shirt hangers ... got tons of those trouser/skirt clippy ones but no proper ones downstairs. :o

100 Things...

Quick early post before we head off to JKC for training... Found this on Latharia's Blog (and others previously) and thought I'll give it a go to see what I've done already. :) 1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland (Does WDW count? :) ) 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty 18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when youā€™re not ill (ummm... long time ago. ;) ) 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total e...

Feeling better... wahey!! :)

Still feelling as if I've been flogged yesterday (always have that after a bout of migraine, my muscles just tense because of the pain and I have to deal with the soreness the day after) but at least no headache. :) Have started to sort out some stuff in the master bedroom which has just massed up somehow. Think this is a 2 - 3 day job though to go through everything on my side of the room. Not touching DH's side so I don't chuck anything out that he needs... ;) Weather is not the best ... :( Looks rainy... what news are that? >:( It's to warm to turn to snow, so that ain't gonna happen. Will be going to the gym later though. :) And tonight I'll pick up DH and we'll go to the cinema to see "Frost Nixon". Now back to me catching up with "John Adams" on SKY+. DH watched it but I have missed it the first time round.

I know, I know ...

haven't been blogging lately, but haven't been feeling like it either. Weird week for me, feeling a bit in a slump and have a to do list that's far too long for my liking. The 12-hour crop on Saturday at the Dean Parish Church was great as ever ... unfortunately my PC was very slow Saturday morning so I couldn't print all the Wolves photos I wanted to scrap. Effectively it was a lot of organising, taking photos in the graveyard and doing a double LO for me ... in 12 hours. :o Couldn't think of what to do without the photos to scrap, so rather left it be. :) But hey, managed to do one DLO at least. :) Will take photo and post asap. Had a good chat with Mark, the minister, as well, as with the closing of "Stampers Grove" we've been thinking of having the Church as our regular venue now as there's more light, comfy seets, nice tables and a kitchen. :) Soooo...he has to speak to the treasurer first about the fees for us, but going month by month it l...

Bus busy busy...

Rowing Result Originally uploaded by Wolves05 ... as usual before a crop ... but this time even more as it's the 12 hour crop. :o AND I had to do my Chinese Whisper layout (which I only finished 15 mins ago!). But ... stuff is packed (and this time I'm NOT taking everything but the kitchen sink!!) and now I just have to print some photos ... :o Think I'm going to do that tomorrow at 7am ... I have to get up at 6:30am for meds anyway (really should have just convinced myself that I can take the meds at work during the day as well... or go back to getting up at 7am for work!! ;) ), so may do it then. :) Today's photo is evidence of my rowing skills ... and this time it was including two 1mins breaks to drink some water. Usually I manage without, but usually I start off with the rowing instead with the Crosstrainer which I did today (just to see if that helps the dizzyness). But still - even with the 2 little breaks I managed to stay under 10 mins for 2000m. Not bad,...

Day 15 - Skype!

Day 15 - Skype! Originally uploaded by Wolves05 Photo 15 of 365 was taken shortly after I've been off SKYPE with my best friend Sharon - we've not talked since she'd been up end of November and texts/e-mails/Facebook messages just don't count. So we've been on SKYPE for nearly 2 hours! ;) Don't you just love Skype? We've installed it at my Mutsch as well, now we just have to try and figure out whether we get it to work ... might try to speak to her tomorrow or Monday - would be great to speak to her before she's off to the next OP end of this month. I've also spoken to my best friend (from Germany) Markus (Sharon and he have to share that spot!! ;) ). He was planning to come up for a visit in Autumn (which he couldn't do because of work & health) and then for Hogmanay (where the prices were just HORRENDOUS) - so we invited him up for SuperBowl weekend ... which he got a good flight price for and he'll be up from 31.1. - 4.2. WAHEY!! Haven...

Our car at 7am this morning

Our car at 7am this morning Originally uploaded by Wolves05 Totally frozen over, and it was absolutely cold. During work and while I was at the gym the weather must have gotten warmer as there was a sllight drizzle, but when I walked from the gym back home it was freezing again. (Duck at the pond at work - they're usually gone until Spring!) Currently sitting with my blankie on to warm up my feet which are still cold (have circulation problems from time to time). :( A couple more photos of today - taken with the point & shoot camera which has problems with dusky pictures.. Oh ... managed to get back onto the 1 hour regime today, although the 20 mins on the cross trainer nearly killed me (at least no dizzyness this time!!) after 15 mins on the bike & 9.40 mins on the rowing machine (2000 m). (my "local" - lol, GYM) I'll declare tomorrow a CRAFT DAY (and this time I REALLY REALLY mean it!!!) - have lots to do in preparation of the 12-hour-crop on Saturday and al...

13 of 365

Belated Xmas pressie Originally uploaded by Wolves05 Just a short note - didn't sleep well and had less than 6 hours sleep ... then work, and then shopping for food (in between the news that a water main burst close to my home and we didn't have any water until afternoon!). Dinner was Risotto, and I didn't leave Tesco until 5pm (and they still didn't have Aborio (sp?) Rice)) so decided against gymming tonight - feeling totally zapped anyway. So today was my "break day" - will go gymming Wed/Thu/Fri then. Risotto was VERY good ... and I did it by eye ... nothing was measured.. LOL. Easiest thing really. Anyway, today's photo are the books I received yesterday as a belated Xmas present. Still waiting for 3 more: "Photo Freedom" by Stacy Julian (currently out of stock), "Month by Month Scrapbooking" by Amanda Probst (pre-order) and "Houseworks - Cut the Clutter, Speed your Cleaning and Calm the Chaos" by Cynthia Townley Ewer ...

Tidy Pantry (12 of 365)

Tidy Pantry Originally uploaded by Wolves05 Here are the "after" pictures. :) Think I've done a fairly good job, just have to make the spreadsheet for the stock keeping so we don't buy the umpteens can of sweetcorn (ok, I let DH off with that!! ;) ) or condensed milk. Just have to figure out a way to store all the dried fruits/pulses etc (top shelf) - will look into boxes. Latharia / Pam - I've got a bad track record with Flylady... I start every year but somehow don't seem to get past the "shine your sink". I will try again this year however... as usual. :) Maybe I am getting any further this time. Off to check my belated Christmas pressie (well... got money for birthday and Christmas from my Dad and step-mum so ordered stuff from my wishlist on Amazon)... got the other 2 books from "The New Covent Garden Soup Co", Sharon!!! :D

Time for a break

The pantry is coming along nicely, just 1 more shelf to go and that's me hopefully. :) Next store cabinet on my list to sort out is the one on the 1st floor with all the toiletries... Maybe tackle that on Thursday. Totally got the time for my doctor's appointment wrong, it's at 4:30pm. Not sure when DH is planning on coming home, but depending on that time, dinner time and gym I may not be able to scrap today (the usual story)... Will try to make one or 2 cards at least though. Have been back to doing some massage therapy today on AP... will put aside 3 hours per day on my days off (and weekend apart from this Saturday because of the 12 hour crop) studying. It's time I put down a plan again so I can re-sit the exam this year which I suspect will be in February/March. Just to show you how bad the pant ry was b efore I went in (well... I had already taken out SOME stuff... :O) )... will post an "after" shot later.

It's Monday again

Sitting here, sipping some tea for late-ish breakfast... Didn't sleep too well, so am a bit tired, but hope I'll be better soon. To-do list today: Breakfast Fill dishwasher Finish off Pantry Take daily photo Gym Doctors Appointment Scrapbooking Dinner Edit/post daily photo E-mail forms to Chris Order prizes for Crop Doesn't look too much ... depending on how long the pantry finishing takes of course... :) Oh ... I've also updated my playlist. Thanks to my scrapping friends in Germany and their "Scrapping the Music Germany" I found some new German songs (well... newer than the 90s!) I really like. Shame not all are available for the Playlist, like "Das hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen" from Sƶhne Mannheims which is below (thanks to YouTube ) ETA: My SB orders arrived this morning - just realised I didn't get enough stuff for the Crop for prizes, so will have to do that today ASAP so we get it in time for the crop on Saturday. :o Added to the li...

365 Photo Challenge - missing photos

I've taken them on the days, just didn't have the time to edit and upload. DAY 9 That's Friday's Dinner - yummie Salad with Halloumi cheese (and already 1/2 tucked in!) including reading material for the evening. :) DAY 10 Chai Latte - a yummie spiced tea (thanks for introducing me to it, Sharon!!) frothed up a bit in one of my "Dunoon" mugs (love them too). Comfort drink. :) DAY 11 And comfort food tonight after my headachey day today. Found them when clearing out the pantry - nice micro(poppable)waveable popcorn... today's flavour: Honey Butter. YUM! Still got a bit of tension in my neck but hope I am fine tomorrow ... got lots to do (and this time some scrapping too!!) And I will try to capture something non-food related tomorrow. LOL.

Not my day either

Woke up with a headache...bad enough to decide against going to JKC for Wolves training (grrr... wanted to take today's photo there! :( ). Slept a bit longer to "sleep it off" but during that time the headache increased and I had to take a tablet. Just had a light lunch (salad) and did the washing up/switching on the dishwasher so I've moved around the house a bit (like DH suggests most times - he doesn't have tension headaches/migraines though, so I'm not always following that suggestion). Headache is more tension now, sitting currently at the nape of my neck... an area where I usually get headaches but it moves to the front as well... not this time. :( My back hurts from all the "work out" yesterday in the pantry and with the car. So ... another duvet-ish day for me today. Just have to go and cook dinner later. Hope DH is getting along ok with the car ... he's taken the battery charger with him ... just in case. Sooo... now I have to figure...

Hello from the Combat Zone....

Why does it always look WORSE when you tidy stuff than it looked before (before it looks better after tidying)? The pantry itself looks better, but I have now half of the stuff in the living room & kitchen ... aaarrrgghhh!!! Fed up! :( Would like to drop everything now but will have to go ahead with the stuff. I'm doing inventory at the same time (it's scary when you come across stuff dated 2006 hidden away in a corner... isn't it??? ;) And that's not all!!! Getting phone calls/messages from DH and DFIL about car battery, tried starting the car at 3:30pm and it just did a little sound and then stopped again. So DH got a bit agitated (he's down south in Doncaster for the BAFL Scheduling Meeting...well, he's on the train back home now) because he's not home and can't help to fix it (doubt he would have reacted different IF he'd been home mind! ;) ) and of course I couldn't explain things properly (just a little woman here! :( ). So started cha...

Change of plan....

kinda thought as much already. Car didn't start. So now I am currently charging the car battery (in the hope that works). What's the life expectancy of a car battery anyway? Because of the cable of the charger going out of the house I cannot leave for the gym until I decide the car is a) charged or b) I give up. And then I have to do a lot of phone calls anyway to make sure we have either a new battery fitted to the car or a replacement for tomorrow's training or someone who can swing by our house to pick us up. NICE! So...the pantry clearing it is ... I am currently "going in" (sounds like a combat? Well... that it IS!). Why does the pantry always look like a bomb exploded? I'm pretty sure I had a photo on my blog in the past (2008? 2007?) of the newly organised pantry but I can't find the entry (or the photo) right now. Problem is that everyone in this household just chucks stuff back into the little room under the stairs without sticking to a system. Wi...

Personality Quiz

I've found this on my friend Carrie 's blog. Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz... You Are a Marilyn! You are a Marilyn -- "I am affectionate and skeptical." Marilyns are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved and timid to outspoken and confrontative. How to Get Along with Me * Be direct and clear * Listen to me carefully * Don't judge me for my anxiety * Work things through with me * Reassure me that everything is OK between us * Laugh and make jokes with me * Gently push me toward new experiences * Try not to overreact to my overreacting. What I Like About Being a Marilyn * being committed and faithful to family and friends * being responsible and hardworking * being compassionate toward others * having intellect and wit * being a nonconformist * confronting danger bra...

Not scrapping after all

Nope ... the one day (well... 1/2 day) I set aside for me to scrap ... and my Mojo's disappeared!!! :( Will read scrap mags instead to make sure I can do something tomorrow (really need to do 2 CJ entries!). Or maybe do some cross stitch instead. Still have to take my photo of the day though and that should be possible. ;)

I WILL scrap today!!

Yup, that's my promise to myself for today. :) Had to get up at 6:30am for meds, DH got up same time for work. I went straight back to bed with eyeshades so he could leave on the bed side light, but I never realised how much racket he makes while shaving/showering/getting dressed/having breakfast downstairs. :o So I didn't really have the most restful sleep. Totally shattered, still sore from Wednesday, so I am going to take my duvet day today ... will go to the gym mind, but the rest is all for me. Tomorrow I'll be doing more household chores then - both DH and AP are out of the house until late evening, so I will have time to myself. :) Let's see how much I can manage to scrap/craft today. :) Oh ... and to answer Sharon's question - I didn't brayer the Wolves stamps. I've just used a StazOn inkpad.

Wolves Photo Stamps

Wolves Photo Stamps Originally uploaded by Wolves05 Today's photo is of 2 (of 5) custom made stamps (courtesy of Dimension Fourth Ltd ) - they show the Wolves Logo (which we have as decals) and the Wolves helmet (I've got the both facing the other way as well) plus the official Wolves Logo as well. They are the first "photo" stamps (photo like) I have and they are looking fab! Roy and Ally have done a FAB job on that. Done lots of Wolves paper work after phoning the league to figure out about temporary applications - and then had to sign, scan and save about 25 forms (Seniors and Juniors) ... and then add the details into a spreadsheet. Want to use a database again this year but am not sure if I should go for OpenOffice or Access??

Feeling like I've been in a tumble dryer!!

I'm hurting all over ... maybe going to the gym yesterday after scrubbing the en-suite wasn't the best idea??? ;) Soooo... I am going to skip gym today and go Saturday instead. Stewart (my gym instructor) said I shouldn't overdo it, so he suggested doing Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri gym and have Wednesday off. Sounds good to me and I'll do that from next week. The weight is slowly going down, think I am nearly 2 pounds down in a week which is in line of the losing weight. Have to admit I've been nibbling and we still had Trifle for dessert for 2 days so that's going to stop from today. If I crave for chocs I just have to resort to the hot choc idea (not full fat stuff) again. Not a problem anyway. And cutting down on Caffeine is going fine apart from today ... really needed 2 mugs to get me going (well, I'm still sitting on the 2nd one). LOTS of water again though. Currently dealing with catching up on yesterday's to-do list and then will look into organising the ...

Clothes to put away

Clothes to put away Originally uploaded by Wolves05 Managed to put away my clothes ... but I never know where DH is putting his stuff really ... got more wardrobe space than me to start with! ;) Also cleaned the en-suite (took me 2.5 hours!!!) incl. purging the medicine cabinet. Must have been clenching my jaws when scrubbing the shower screen, totally hurts now! :o Done dinner as well, and been to the gym ... even though my arms and back were hurting after doing the cleaning. The other stuff will have to roll over to tomorrow's to-do list (which looks most likely to be a "Wolves paperwork" day... :o

Wishing for a Duvet day...

Woke up with very swollen glands...sore throat again... hope the cuppa tea is doing its work. Yep, I am wishing for a duvet day, but I've got far too much to do again for the rest of the week. Bad enough I'm still in PJs right now ... but about to get up and follow my to do list for today. Clean ensuite Put away ironed clothes make inroads in tidying master bedroom Take photo for 365 challenge E-mail junior contacts to our Junior HC E-mail Registration numbers of now Youth players to Forth Fusion GM E-mail DH with dimensions for Wolves Stamps Gym for 45 mins make Dinner And then I have the tiny hope of being able to do some crafty stuff.... :D We'll see...

Chocs & musings

Choccies Today's photo shows one of the chocs I am missing from my old home and cannot get here... fortunately there's my Mutsch who provides me with it from time to time - part of Xmas presents and duly eaten between Xmas and now. :) TA MUTSCH!! (LOL) Else ... been to the gym straight from work (planning on going every WORK day - not sure about weekends) for 45 - 60 mins. Currently still on 45 mins as the head cold virus is still troubling me. Still feel dizzy after working out on the cross trainer, but my blood tests came back "normal" ... well, in my eyes it can't be normal that I suddenly (since December) feel dizzy when doing the cross trainer. Have been fairly regularly to the gym since September and been there 3x60 mins per week... with 20 mins on the cross trainer (now only doing 15). Soooo... have appointment with the docs next Monday to talk about my results. Enjoyed watching "Eurosport" while gymming ... somehow miss the Winter Sports stuff -...

It's COLD!!

Reflections Originally uploaded by Wolves05 When I left the house our car windows were frozen and the road/side walk was icy. We had a nice crisp sunny winter day - without the snow. :( Nothing. NADA... while everywhere else there seems to have been snow... :( Today's photo is a picture of my work - it's not the nicest building really, brown glass structure, but we have a pond, and it's not toooo bad really. Close to Arthur's Seat as well. Got an e-mail from my big sis stating she's leaving early to go sledding with my nephew... they had snow in the Main Taunus Area in Hesse. And elsewhere in Germany too... And in England.... Just up here, we've got a nice sunny (well, at least not RAINY) day ... with temps at -2 degrees when I left the gym at 6:30pm. :o

Tree is out

...and the boxes in the Master Bedroom waiting for the Dolphins Wildcard game to be over (that would be around 9ish) so DH and I can move them up to the loft... You know Michael McIntyre's routine about the loft??? ;) That's more or less DH ... as well as the "Man Drawer". LOL. I've decided to leave the master bedroom and ensuite for later the week ... most likely on Wednesday ... maybe do some inroads Monday and/or Tuesday evening after work. Instead I may have a go at something crafty ... maybe a CJ entry or so while half watching "Cheaper by the Dozen II". :D In the worst case clearing some space in the study (which needs a full clean & purge as well as the master bedroom!!). Today's photo is this A pic of the last 2 boxes to go upstairs to the loft. :D

Nope, not feeling well

Face feels puffy. Throat was aching a little when I woke up, but that's gone now, thanks to hot liquid (Chai Latte - courtesy of DH!). Body feels a bit battered though. Think it's still the head cold that's stuck and won't come out. Glands still swollen. Was thinking of going to the gym today but don't want to aggravate and end up with dizzy spells again. So instead I will take it slowly by taking the tree down (ok.. not really TAKING IT EASY but it won't cause my pulse to go up too much IYKWIM). Else? Need to start tidying the master bedroom, and clean the ensuite. So assume I better get out of bed now... ;) Working tomorrow (as asked by boss due to being short staffed) and Tuesday, and the rest of the week will be all in tidying as well... but I hope to manage some crafting as well! Tonight is TV evening for DH - Dolphins are in the play-offs after a 1-15 result in 2007 they are now the AFC East Champs (11-5 so far)!! So from 6pm that's all that's on...

3 of 365 and the 11th Doctor

Only 4 of DH's Lego projects Not a very inspired photo today, and only taken with BIL's small digi point & shoot. DH has been stocking up on Lego over the last year and used the time off over Xmas to build some of them. ;) Had a bit of a rush today - first a longer lie in, then worked on a couple of e-mails and then we decided to go shopping... ended up a bit of a longer trip as everyone and his dog seemed to be out at McArthur Glen! I managed to get some clothes (including one pair of trousers for work) and also got some tape runner at the Papermill (plus the last purchase before the 100 projects challenge - a "Pay per box" with A4 card). Then a quick trip to Julian Graves (they still don't sell those cookies anymore DH is after! :( ) and Aldi (which looked like they didn't have any delivery today at all - hardly any fruit & veg in! Because of that we had to go to Lidl (still not all we wanted) and Tesco, and DH got fairly antsy because we wanted to b...

Day 2 of 2009

Went to work today - with the car, as there was only "special service" on LRT. :o DH drove us to his office and then I was trying to navigate around this week's closed roads etc - ended up having to go up Leith Walk! Finding a car parking space was another matter - lots of double yellows around, a couple of single yellows (and DH warned me that the traffic wardens do not treat today as a bank holiday/Sunday - although shops and even Royal Mail do so - so I didn't DARE to park in the bay at work!) and tons of "Residents only". Found a space close to work but it was ticketed ... and it was a rip-off of Ā£1.20 per HOUR! So I decided to drive to the car park further down which usually costs around Ā£6 or Ā£7 but there was nobody there. Decided to put a note in the window with the time I arrived, just to be fair. At work we were told that there was not much on the system work, but I found enough problem cases to keep me going for the 7...

Corstorphine Hill Walk

Quick decision around 3:15pm to go for a walk afterall. I had a look for the details of the geocaches on the website but there was not much of a map/plan - obviously! You're supposed to go for the coordinates, and without a GPS it's a bit of a problem. We've never been up Corstorphine Hill, so this was quite an interesting walk. It's yet another big green/woody expanse in Edinburgh - I am always amazed how many of those we actually have!! We didn't cover a lot of ground, basically just to Corstorphine Hill Tower and a bit further, all the while me (and later DH and AP as well) searching for a place where the cache could be. But without a proper map with coordinates or a GPS we were lost ... and of course the light was fading fairly quickly as well. DH said it's a spooky area, but I think it's just nice to have such a green expanse close to our house. Went back home around 4:30pm (got dark very quickly!!) and I did some copying of photos onto the laptop, inst...

Hello 2009

Not sure what we're doing today - we decided not to go to the cinema, so may do some crafting and maybe go for a walk? Sitting here, the 3 of us surfing the net - sounds unsocial, but to be honest, we can chat away while being online, better than one of us being upstairs. ;) New Year's Eve was weird ... it really feels like I am 1 week behind with everything (Christmas and New Year). We watched The Big Fat Quiz of 2008 and the new Michael McIntyre DVD yesterday - which is really FAB! Specially the "Man Drawer" and the "Loft" (pic taken while watching the DVD), nearly missed midnight, didn't have any bubbly (non-alcoholic or alcoholic) to welcome the new year ... as I said, quite weird. Not sure if I am happy with that. Even had to take the only photo of fireworks from the TV!! :o Currently installing Photoshop CS3 on my new laptop - the old one was not strong enough, neither is my old PC - and the new one is not set up yet. So I am plannin...