
Showing posts from 2010


  Today's the last Friday you get a choice of the regular fill-ins OR a different kind of fill-in (or both). As you know, a friend emailed me a list where you have to identify Christmas songs by the initials of the first words of the first line of each song. If you'd like to play along, great! And...Merry Christmas eve to those who celebrate it! we go! 1. These are a few days of relaxing. 2. Traditional Duck, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts with chestnuts and pancetta and dumplings will be our holiday dinner. 3. What's that I hear outsideā€¦ sleigh bells?? ;) . 4. With the snow itā€™s all so quiet, quiet. 5. Some of my favorite holiday memories include getting our tree from the woods when I was about 6 . 6. Nothing is stirring - not even a mouse. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve celebration with opening of presents , tomorrow my plans include spending most day with the inlaws and Sunday, I wan...

Still battling migraineā€¦

Thatā€™s a first for a while ā€¦ 2 days in a row migraineā€¦ might be the weather, who knows? Tomorrowā€™s my last day at work for the rest of the year ā€¦ and I havenā€™t been told yet whether my contract is getting extended ā€¦ fairly annoying really, but nothing new for me. I *suspect* that my contract will be extended, but will see. Got everything sorted for Christmas, tree is on the patio, we got all food in the fridge & freezer (have to remember to take the duckling out tomorrow eve). Presents are all wrapped and accounted for (and it looks like my presents from DH have now finally arrived too, as well as his Lego orders). Iā€™m somehow not with it right now ā€¦ still canā€™t believe on Friday is already Christmas eve!!! Fortunately, DH and I are both off work that day so can finalise things.

Friday Fill-ins #202

*This week, I'm going to give you a choice of fill-ins OR a different kind of fill-in (or both). A friend emailed me a list where you have to identify Christmas songs by the initials of the first words of the first line of each song. Each Friday until Christmas Eve I'll post 9 more of these songs and if you'd like to play along, great! we go! * 1. The best thing about a birthday celebration is having family and friends around. 2. This year skipped the passage of time. 3. I went shopping recently and the most interesting thing I bought was lots of cook books! . 4. Baking cookies is not child's game with our oven! 5. The reason is that I havenā€™t perfected the baking of my grannyā€™s Christmas cookies with a fan assisted oven just yet . 6. Weā€™ve got tons of snow and cold. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Leberkaese for Dinner , tomorrow my plans include another trip to the hospital and shopping and Su...

Journal your Christmas

Iā€™ve decided to just finish off my current album this year but may post on my blog a little more ā€“ busy busy and over the next few weeks Iā€™ll be recovering from tomorrowā€™s minor surgery anyway. Was actually planning on doing a digi ā€“ album, might still do that once I get my head around it. Weā€™ve got snow ā€“ quite a lot snow ā€¦ I wonder if my mum will be able to make it next week Thursday ā€“ depending on the Frankfurt and Edinburgh Airports and decisions made by the airlines ā€¦. letā€™s hope so, itā€™s bad enough I am not able to go and visit my family and the Frankfurt Christmas Market (it became quite a tradition over the last few years).  Sooo ā€¦ keep your fingers crossed for me please!! Some comfort food from the ā€œfakeā€ (LOL) German Christmas Market before the OP tomorrow. And my friend Anna is working at the German Food Stallā€¦

Boyce Avenue in Concert... :)

Seen these boys yesterday at Cabaret Voltaire - and definitely a band who can carry LIVE performances well. Had loads of fun with Anna & Katnip and hope Boyce Avenue will come back to Edinburgh. :) Their Special guest was Ryan Cabrera who was good in his own rights. And here's a studio acoustic version of Taio Cruz' "Dynamite" which they played at the concert, too. :)

Crafty things

Well... hopefully able to post some more crafty results over the next weeks/months. ;) Dani's Forum is doing a Advent Calendar again and here's my contribution to it: AKW 2010 - meine Paeckchen I had bigger plans for this, different packaging, but life got in the way and I really wasn't in the mood for anything that time ... glad I managed to get the box to Mellie though - and last thing I heard my Advent Calendar is on its way back to me now. :) Cannae wait!! Other things - we had our November crop yesterday and I actually DID something else than blethering and looking at other people's stuff ... ;) Still searching for my crafting Mojo, mind.... I found the instructions from one of the ladies at Dani's forum, "Yosemite" who posted this Teabag book with instructions on her blog. She's really very talented and does a lot of nice instructions for crafty things on her blog, definitely worth looking!! Tea bag book I've used one of ...

Friday Fill-ins #200

Geesh ā€“ 3rd post of the day after a looong break of sporadically bloggingā€¦ yay me! ;) we go! 1. Why does time fly when youā€™re on holiday?? 2. Your mind will open to everything when you go out and see the world. 3. Thank you for a nice week off so far . 4. Christmas is my favorite holiday because of the memories I have from my childhood, because of the nice smells, seeing happy faces and making my family happy.   5. I am SO tired and headachey right now. :( 6. Life can be less stressful once we make up our minds to be human (and not perfect). 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching TV (avoiding Pudsey day stuff though) , tomorrow my plans include our November Crop and Sunday, I want to have fun with Anna & Katnip at the Boyce Avenue Concert!!! :)  

Havenā€™t been

ā€¦ posting a lot of crafty stuff lately ā€“ well, no wonder ā€¦ Iā€™ve hardly done anything. :o However, Iā€™ve managed to make some cards and even took photos! So here they areā€¦ ;) Thatā€™s the card I made for my inlawsā€™ Ruby Wedding anniversary ā€“ Wording is from Dimension Fourth (last yearā€™s renewal gift) and the stamp ā€¦ huh ā€¦ I think I got that one way back from Rebekah at Stamperā€™s Grove (before she sold the business). Stamped on red card, layered with gold.     The card to the right is the belated birthday card I made for my best friend, Sharon . :) The stamp is from one of the monthly Stamp kits from Dimension Fourth. Embossed in Dusky rose I think ā€¦ from Stamperā€™s Grove years ago. :) Iā€™ve done a couple more cards Iā€™m sure, but canā€™t find the photos (IF Iā€™ve taken any of them! :o) ). Hoping to get more crafts done soon, but with workout plan (doing something cardio-related nearly every day of the week!) and work and Christmas prep etc ā€¦ you know what that ...

Workout! ;)

Due to meds I had to get up early today ā€¦ and with headache couldnā€™t go back to sleep, so up since 7:30am. :(  Headā€™s still thumping, body is sore all over - been doing Fitpro/Les Mills Body Pump and Body Balance on Wednesday and was at Ceroc yesterday night. To be honest, Iā€™ve only had 2 instructors for the Les Mills classes who really ā€œinspireā€ me to come back week after week! ;) Oneā€™s Pat whoā€™s moved to Fife back in 2006 I believe, and my current instructor is Allan who just makes everything so fun (and believe me, I tried Body Pump with another instructor and they just made me go back to Allanā€™s class) ;) . Weā€™ve got a very ā€œnastyā€ move included in the Shoulder track, the so called ā€œPec Decā€ ā€“ have a look from 1.22 onwards ā€¦ and the Pec Dec itself is from 4:00 onwards ā€¦ OUUUUUUCH!!! But great workout!!! I only manage the 1kg ā€“ 1.5kg hand weights for that, but even body weight only is sometimes enough!!! :0 Body Pump 75 RAVERS IN THE UK Uploaded by clairembart...

Friday Fill-ins

Haven't done them in aaaages ... ;)  Friday Fill-Ins we go! 1. When pigs fly I'll be a very girlie girl . 2. Raining again - seriously?! 3. Call me a geek, but I really like comic book adaptations (not necessarily reading the comic books mind) . 4. Sunday is Cheesecake brownie time - if you know what I mean. ;) 5. The most entertaining person in my life is my hubby because he can be funny, knows a lot of trivia and is really a kid at heart!! ;) 6. I've got nearly over the nasty cold - who's next? 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to meet up with friends to give Esther a nice good bye , tomorrow my plans include 2 movies and baking and Sunday, I want to see the Clansmen bring home another win !  

And another call...

Had a message on the answer machine yesterday but we didn't realise that until this morning ... and then there was just a message from my Mum to call her back. I kinda knew what's up, and my call back this morning just confirmed it ... My granddad (last surviving grandparent) died... Feels a bit weird, I don't feel sad ... I don't really feel anything. :o My mum didn't get along with her step-dad so prior to winter 2009 I didn't have anything to do with him for about ... ummm ... 20 (?) years?? We always met up with my granny alone. Am I a bad granddaughter for not feeling anything? It's not even "robot-mode" ... there just doesn't seem to be anything. Mmmmh... weird.

One month to go...

Journal your Christmas with Shimelle... I believe it's year 6 for me ... or maybe more? Still haven't finished the first album which is a collection over the years really. This year I am considering doing a digi album ... maybe I'll have time for that (and hopefully I'll have my lappy back in time!). Shimelle got the info up and you can sign up for the class. Hopefully will see some of you over on the Forum to discuss pages!! ;)

Halloween's been cancelled!!

After getting annoyed by a cold the whole week I've finally succumbed to it ... sinusitis, sore throat and that annoyed scratchy cough (which I think is due to the sore & irritated throat, but of course the doc won't do anything as it's not affecting my lungs and therefore my asthma). Managed to go to the Halloween Horror Hop (Ceroc) yesterday ok, but flagged after midnight and should have known today is just not my day. Still managed to go and see "Burke & Hare" with Nikki, Anna, Dave & Doug, but now ... Halloween is cancelled for me, no candies at our house this year. Feeling a bit off as I ALWAYS had Halloween on the 31st since we moved to our house ... either at home with pumpkin carving & candies for kids, or going to Orlando.  :( Ah well... I leave you with this instead ... thanks to Nikki for reminding me of it on FB! :) (we'd seen this actually last year live at the Edinburgh Fringe) And we decided I'll be carving pumpkins fo...

Rally for Restoring Sanity And/Or Fear

Glad they have a live stream for that!!! ;) FAB so far ... just think I may have to go to the Halloween Hop after 8pm ... not be there for 8pm. :D

Blog getting new face ...

Couple of changes in life for the last couple of months, and given that the Blog header was already there since about 2006/2007 I thought I'll give it a little revamp. Can't say yet when, but you'll see a new header eventually. ;)

Listing some stuff at Ebay

Had the info in the Google Reader about a free listing weekend this week for UK residents and have been picking out several stamps I'm not using anymore and will probably cull more. Currently am listing at Ā£0.99 both used and new. Have a look here , maybe there's something you're interested in? Also figured that your first 100 listings per month (?) as private seller (if starting price is less than Ā£1) are free ... so no need to rush right now, think I'll be posting lots more stuff over the next weeks. :)

I hate those calls ā€¦

All was ok ā€¦ bit busy at work, bit annoyed about buses/traffic in Edinburgh and me taking 1.5 hours to get to/from work. Left home after dinner to get to Ceroc ā€“ a new venue for me, and promptly went to the wrong St Stephenā€™s ā€“ whoā€™d known there are two St. Stephenā€™s Churches close together in Edinburgh!!! :o Arrived at the one at Comely bank, the women walking past me were carrying familiar little green folders and one told me ā€œThereā€™s hardly any queue!ā€ ā€“ A queue? For Ceroc? Surely not????  But I was told itā€™s busy on Tuesdays ā€¦.  But when I arrived at the door for the Church Hall I saw a sign for Weight Watchers ā€¦ errrā€¦ yeahā€¦ not really where I wanted to go today.  So figured it had to be the other St Stephens, fortunately not too far away. Managed to park the car after a bit of circling around, had a missed call from DH and when I got to the door a message to call him asap. Called him and he told me my mum phoned ā€¦ he just understood the word ā€œgestorbenā€ (died...

Busy busy Saturday...

What a day! ;) Didn't have to be at Stirling for the 2nd Day of Camp until 2:30pm, so had time to go to the Ceroc Scottish Champs 2010 for the Lucky Dip and Nikki & Dave's Intermediate Competition before dashing off. I just love watching them dance, they are so in sync it's great!!! At 1:55pm I left the venue to take photos at the Stirling Clansmen training camp (really have to look into options for shooting late at night - most pics after 6:30pm are blurry-ish! :( ), drove back home at 8:20pm to get some food, get changed and then head back out to the Scottish Champs Party where I danced my socks off until 12:30am. ;) Thanks to Dave, Steven, Nikki, Esther, Shirley and ... errm... yup, don't think I know his name  (oooops!!) for the dances!! :D Now considering going to the Halloween Horrors Hop , given it's on 30th October 2010 and NOT on Halloween. ;) And MIGHT even compete in next year's Champs? Who knows ... ;)

What a difference a team makes ā€¦

ā€¦ Was a bit worried that the whole situation with the Wolves would have soured my passion for the sport, but being with the Stirling Clansmen yesterday at training camp Day 1 has taken those worries away. It is really good to feel appreciated, the guys have been asking me how the summer was, how I am etc, the coaches are great as usual ā€¦ Yes, it might be that itā€™s because itā€™s only season 2 for me with the Clan, there might be still the ā€œbribery factorā€ of cake & photos (but then ā€“ the Wolves got that as well!), but weā€™ll seeā€¦ ;) Anyway ā€“ I had a great time with them, and am pretty sure Iā€™ll enjoy the rest of the weekend taking photos for them as well. Letā€™s hope the weather plays along though ā€“ driving to Stirling yesterday felt like driving through a veeeeery long car wash (M9)!!!

Donā€™t get me wrong ā€¦.

ā€¦ I would love to just see the good things from the 9 years, and ā€œretire gracefullyā€ ā€“ but I think last year just was a chore, no thank yous, hardly any help offered (apart from the usual suspects) and personality clashes. But hey ā€“ that moment might still come ā€¦ in a couple of weeks/months ā€¦ who knows.

Thank you for the music ā€¦

Ok ā€¦ Iā€™ve cooled down a bit, culled some ā€œfriendsā€ on Facebook, but still cannot get how some people THINK! Or NOT THINK, for that matter. Sunday started off fairly busy, due to the Antiques Fair being on the same day we didnā€™t have the concourse or the shop at Meadowbank, so had to improvise (which we managed ok with 2 areas sectioned off inside the stands for merchandise and for the tuck shop. We just started to have our gameday crew meeting, when our HC shouted for me to do the card check (Player names and numbers to be called out for the oppositional Manager or general dogsbody like me). Yes, Cal told me Don wanted it at 1:30pm, but of course it couldnā€™t wait. So I dashed down, hadnā€™t even prepared anything so had to get myself through, calling out names and writing jersey numbers down at the same time, getting help from Gordy (ex Claymores fan and the GM of the opposition, the Shropshire Revolution).  Then card check on their side, afterwards marking up 2 more sets of our ...

Just a quick hullo ...

I'm still here, still seething from stupid people's behavior on Sunday but am too busy with work and gym/dancing/Clansmen that I don't think I'll be able to post a full update until the weekend or Monday (weekend is Clansmen training camp and Ceroc Scottish Champs). It's still riling me, so don't worry, my emotions about that won't calm down so easily. You'll get all the "goss" soon enough.

Still here... just busy ... and laptop broken...

... and I'm most days at the gym or dancing in the evenings, so really don't get onto the "big" PC that much... Lazy, I know. ;) Hope to be able to update the blog a bit soon though. Just hang in there pls. :) Have also signed up for yet another class from Shimelle , it's her " Learn Something New Every Day " from Wednesday throughout September. I did sign up to her "Love your Pictures, Love your Pages" class but only close to the end so will catch up with that once the Wolves season is over .... ;) And considering I'll step down in my capacity as Club Secretary and general dog's body for the club by the end of the season (will only take photos IF and WHEN I WANT!) I should have more time ... Will concentrate fully on my University Team, the Stirling Clansmen from September/October on ... it's only photography for them (and baking ... how did that happen??? ;) ) and it's a league that's running over autumn/winter which...

Just a quick noteā€¦

I know ā€¦ been bad with keeping the blog up, but lots of things were going on (injuries etc), hereā€™s me hoping that I will be a more regular blogger over the next couple of months. ;) But just wanted to give a quick ā€œheads upā€ (after posting on Facebook and the Wolves Twitter ā€¦. Edinburgh Wolves are SCOTTISH DIVISION 2 CHAMPS!!! :) Wolves HQ (i.e. Doug and me) have not been down to Shropshire with the team for the game as Doug has an implementation weekend and has to be on call. But Iā€™ve been getting updated by Cal and was able to update our tweets as well. Well done, Wolves ā€“ I am proud of you. Now on to get things sorted for the playoff home game ā€¦ phew!

Monday after game dayā€¦

ā€¦ and Iā€™m actually doing our OWN washing instead of the team kit! :) Thatā€™s a bit of a novelty really, and I like it. Have been doing 3 washes but weather looks as if itā€™s going to rain anytime soon, so the washing is hanging up in the living room. At least I managed to mow the lawn ā€“ somehow the grass grew up to 1 foot plus during the last 2 weeks ā€¦ next time Iā€™ll just take a scythe to the grass if itā€™s that long, probably easier that way!! :o If the weather is still holding then Iā€™ll tackle the thistles in the front garden and re-plant my dwarf roses. Was actually planning to do some crafting, but the good weather (read ā€œnon-rainā€) means I HAVE to do something in the garden ā€“ who knows when Iā€™ll get next the time/weather to do it. Oh ā€¦ and my small plants in the garden seem to do their business this year!! Just think I have to transfer the pepper, cucumber and courgette plants into a proper veggie patch (which is half done). In other news ā€“ Wolves are now 6-2, and...

Musings from the airā€¦

Havenā€™t been back to Germany during summer in quite a while ā€“ we usually go in April for my mumā€™s birthday (which was this year changed to now because of that stupid volcano) and then again for a longer weekend in December for exchange of presents, and to go and visit Christmas Markets. We had fabulous weather, every day around 30 degrees and mostly sunshine! Fab! Not sure if itā€™s because Iā€™m getting older now, but somehow a week is not long enough for the trip to Germany anymore. Iā€™ve not been able to meet up with friends this time at around, and weā€™re usually fairly ad-hoc with our plans to visit my family as well. And then thereā€™s the shopping ā€¦ itā€™s nearly like a trip to Florida!!! ;) And of course Iā€™m always trying to get a trip to the sauna in as wellā€¦ I would LOVE to go for longer than just 1 week ā€“ I would LOVE to travel around Germany, would LOVE to go with Doug to the Northsea or the ā€œOstseeā€, would LOVE to go south towards Munich, east to visit my family in the Lausitz...


Yup, thatā€™s what I am ā€¦ our WiFi doesnā€™t work ON the couch, just on the wee table beside it, which means I cannot lie with my right leg elevated if I want to be onlineā€¦ :o  Not really happy about that, but maybe that keeps me ā€œoff the boxā€ and I get more editing done? TONS of photos of Wolves and Clansmen games still to be edited ā€¦ not to mention our holiday in US and up outside Dundee!! Restless probably because my blinking knee is not swollenā€¦ it hurts, but is not swollenā€¦ which would more indicate something is wrong with it, right? Still using the cryo cuff which is nice for pain treatment (and usually for swelling as well, but we donā€™t need that yet).

Iā€™m ā€œbrokenā€ā€¦

ā€¦  the running on paved paths on Friday was worse than I thought, and standing a lot on Sunday during the game didnā€™t help. However, I didnā€™t really feel tooooo bad (but then ā€“ I sometimes wonder if having a high pain threshold is a curse as Iā€™m just putting up with it). Yesterday I was jogging to catch the bus and suddenly my knee just buckled. :o Managed to sit through work and then decided to go to A&E (given that Iā€™m only 15 mins away from the hospital) to get the knee checked before our holiday(wouldnā€™t have gotten an appt with my GP before next week). Waited just 40 mins for initial assessment, then on the trolley bed for another 15 mins for the X'-ray, then another 15 mins (all the while listening to a) a female alcoholic, b) a mentally challenged person and c) a guy who was out for a fight! VERY comforting ā€¦ really was fearing that soon the ā€œfight guyā€ is going on a riot! ā€“ Very high police attendance in A&E doesnā€™t really make me more comfortable either!!). N...

Tough workout but I managed it!!

Tried to figure out where the small shower room at work disappeared to, as the big ones are for office gym members only and I'm not going to pay for that! Got slightly annoyed but finally found the 2 showers available ... suppose they have to have "free" showers, in case someone cycles to work. ;) Means I can do my regular Wednesday session for the "run" (jog) around Arthur's Seat ... provided it's not chucking down rain!!! As for today - I had a triple session tonight ... first W1D2 which I upped to 8kph speed for the run (still feels like a jog). Managed the work out. During Body Pump I upped the ante to 2.5kg each side for most moves bar the warm up (even for the triceps bar workout!). The single plate weight for triceps I upped to 5kg as well. Still can't do the lounges without help (now used the bar to steady myself and that worked ok-ish), and squats ... yeah, just ignore me with them. Not sure if my lordosis (quite a big invard curvature of...

Quick update

Yupā€¦ I did it ā€¦ :) Was fun, felt great afterwards, and am looking forward to Wednesday now. :) The podcast definitely helped ā€“ Iā€™ve downloaded two, will see if Iā€™m trying the other one on Wednesday. Speed-wise: warm up at 4.5kph, walk at 5.5 kph and jog at 7.6kph. Probably can crank it up to 8kph for the jog. Was running on the treadmill just to check speeds ā€¦ funnily enough jog is there at 6kph (thatā€™s fast walk for me) and walk at 3kph (geeshā€¦ that wasnā€™t even my cool down speed!). Depending on weather I might actually go for a run in Holyrood Park on Wednesday during lunch break ā€¦ just so I have a bit of a breather between that and Body Pump & Body Balance. :)

A step in the right direction....

Ok, after lots of umm-ing and haaah-ing I am going to follow in Joanne's steps ... not that I am necessarily planning on doing a 5k run or anything, but with me doing the Body Pump, Body Balance and Ceroc already I quite like the idea of being able to do some workout I can do while on holiday where I don't have necessarily access to a gym. After coming back from the family weekend away my scales shocked me ... I was at 90kg, the highest EVER!!! I still think the scales are broken, but hey... ;)  There you go ... tonight I'll do my first 20 mins ... :)

How To Fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds

Yup, that's what I have been googling for today ... ;) DH mentioned this technique years ago, and we seem to look it up at least once a year... I personally have never tried this technique until today. Just part of my day off work ... have done 3 washes and been doing ironing while watching TV downstairs, always having an eye on the weather. And yes, I dashed out twice to safe the washing! Deceiving sunshine ... Ah well... back to the ironing board. :o


Now ā€¦ that sounds a bit harsh and scary, but yes ā€¦ I sustained a mild concussion on Saturday when I got into my car after the Clansmen Alumni game! :o  Was feeling ok (apart from a little sore after the bump ā€“ have done that a couple of times in my life, so why think of more? Would be a bump and maybe a bit bruised and ok in a couple of days) on Saturday, but woke up with a horrendous throbbing headache on Sunday.  But of course I just blamed the migraine ā€¦ a very strong one, with painful eyes (felt as if someone was gouging them out!) and a very tight band around the head plus painful back of the head (lower occipital bone) and neck ā€“ all part of my usual ā€œmigraine routineā€, so againā€¦ didnā€™t think of anything. Monday the pain was a little less, but coming and going ā€¦ and a felt a bit more nauseous than Sunday but again ā€¦ coming and goingā€¦ During the night I didnā€™t sleep well, neck was painful depending on how I was lying down. Despite the headaches (coming and going tho...

Swamped with paperwork again & lappy off time!

What is it with Mondays before a game? Always a mad rush to get Wolves registrations done ā€“ I really wish we would get that sorted 2 weeks prior to a game, if players turn up on the Sunday prior to game day then tough ā€“ not getting registered until the week after. :o Doesnā€™t help that my laptop has off time at the moment ā€¦ doesnā€™t comply whatsoever! :(  Iā€™ve tried a back up (but have to clear some space on my external HDD first!!), AntiSpyware check and virus scan, but somehow that doesnā€™t do the trick. Iā€™m really in the mood to do a full format of the disk ā€¦ have copied the most important things from the laptop so COULD do it, but DHā€™s lappy is off to repair and we might not get it back in time, which means mine is on standby for Saturdayā€™s gameā€¦ :o So lost quite a bit of time doing the paperwork between 2 PCs, editing some photos for Saturdayā€™s program ā€¦ and still have lots more to do! :o  ARRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!

Bit of Cyber cropping for me

Not prepared for the UKS CC (Monopoly) at all, and with baking cheesecake brownies today and watch Dr Who & Dr Who Confidential plus dealing with Away Trip paperwork I didnā€™t get much done ā€¦ actually ā€¦ managed 1 challenge and 1 class ā€¦ Printed off the PDF files so far though and will do some scrapping on Monday or even tomorrow evening, depending on when weā€™re back from Inverness. Point system was different this time, so no logging for yourself (shame ā€¦ I quite liked that but can see why ā€œscrappybunnyā€ wanted to change it for her and the other organisers ā€“ they have now more time to take part themselves).  True to the theme of MONOPOLY (Iā€™m in the team TOP HATS btw with fellow Edinburgh Croppers Yvonne & Pauline plus Joanne from Isle Of Bute ā€“ a guest cropper at our crop) the points were in Ā£Ā£Ā£ per layout/challenge. ;) Here you go ā€¦ first one is: This is the class ā€œBow Streetā€ (by Gertie) ā€“ title was to use alpha letters as ā€œmaskā€ with paint for the title plus th...

Not going! :(

That's it ... we're not going ... flight was cancelled this morning. WHAT A CRAPPY CRAPPY THING!! :( Hoping now that my big sis is going to manage to install Skype on my mum's PC so we can do a video chat tomorrow. Not sure if I'm going to work this week ... maybe going for 2 days ... not sure. Or maybe using this week to get the house tidied, the garden done (if the weather plays along) and some crafting maybe? Signed up for the next UKS Cybercrop, which starts on Friday ... that might make me find my Mojo again... :o Should be sitting in my mum's flat now or go shopping in Germany, have some "Mettbroetchen" or "Leberkaesebroetchen" ... CRAP! :( All because of this one here...

Update - not looking good

Been keeping busy with editing photos and watching TV ... and now the latest news are Lufthansa nothing until 2pm (?am?) tomorrow, BA not even consider flying until Wednesday. It's quite weird to see the differences in days ... DH and I suspect that British government doesn't want to do anything "risky" because of the elections looming in May! :( Sun's finally out ... just about 7 hours late. :( Ah crappy crappy time!!! Really not happy!


I should have been at my mumā€™s by now ā€¦ should have landed yesterday around 9pm in Frankfurt, but yet weā€™re still here at home.  That stupid volcano has some explaining to do!!! :(  Currently weā€™re booked for a flight on Monday with stand-by for today, but who says the flight will be going tomorrow??? Itā€™s quite weird what you take for granted ā€“ Iā€™ve been back for my mumā€™s (and previously my grannyā€™s) birthday since I moved to the UK ā€“ thatā€™s now 11 years with this year being a bit of a problem.  Canā€™t even go via train or ferry, as theyā€™re all fully booked; driving is not an option either, due to the Chunnel being already fully booked ā€“ and considering that our car has troubles to get down to Doncaster ā€“ I doubt we would like to try if it can go all the way to Frankfurt (AND we would lose 1 day each way). So right now we donā€™t even know IF weā€™re flying tomorrow. Apparently Lufthansa & KLM have done some test flights yesterday afternoon and decided itā€™s not safe e...

Friday Fill-Ins

1. All you need is a cuppa and a piece of cake to relax a little . 2. Animal antics fill me with laughter. 3. Each generation, as it grows up, makes it own history . 4. My inner self is something I have a hard time dealing with. 5. A trip to my family is what I need. 6. Give and you get back. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to not much today , tomorrow my plans include a cinema trip and Sunday, I want to see a good pre-season Wolves scrimmage !