Musings from the air…

Haven’t been back to Germany during summer in quite a while – we usually go in April for my mum’s birthday (which was this year changed to now because of that stupid volcano) and then again for a longer weekend in December for exchange of presents, and to go and visit Christmas Markets.

We had fabulous weather, every day around 30 degrees and mostly sunshine! Fab!

Not sure if it’s because I’m getting older now, but somehow a week is not long enough for the trip to Germany anymore. I’ve not been able to meet up with friends this time at around, and we’re usually fairly ad-hoc with our plans to visit my family as well. And then there’s the shopping … it’s nearly like a trip to Florida!!! ;) And of course I’m always trying to get a trip to the sauna in as well…

I would LOVE to go for longer than just 1 week – I would LOVE to travel around Germany, would LOVE to go with Doug to the Northsea or the “Ostsee”, would LOVE to go south towards Munich, east to visit my family in the Lausitz  or even do a quick trip across the border to Austria to my family there (they have been asking again when we’re going to come visit! :o ) or across to Switzerland to finally get to meet Franziska  and see Armand again.

So many things I’d like to do, and maybe, come next year, I may actually be able to do that.

In the past I was happy to get back home, but somehow, today, I’m feeling a little “homesick” to my own country. The fact we get nice hot temperatures, that we have outdoor swimming pools and lakes you are allowed/can swim in, the fact you can just get into the car and drive south and you’ll be in Italy/Croatia/Spain within a day!  Fabulous way of going on holiday really.


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