JYC Day 13 - “Tales of Christmas Presents”

Day 13 I love giving gifts … more than I like receiving them I think. :)  Yes, I do love pressies, but it gives me a great feeling to see the joy on the others’ faces when I selected a present they really like. :)

So far it’s equal pressies opening, I pass a present to DH and he passes one to me. Tradition was to open one present on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Day, but we have changed it to presents for each other and the ones from Germany on Christmas Eve (as is German custom) and then the other presents from the inlaws on Christmas Day when we visit them.  Presents are always opened AFTER Christmas Eve Dinner though.

This year, however, we’re just going to open 1 present each on Christmas Eve as we’re going to have friends over … ;)

I think once we have kids I would like them to follow the tradition from my side of the family of reciting a poem or playing a tune/singing a song before they can open their presents. ;)


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