Thinking about ...

...blogging bilingual. So instead of having an English and a German Blog individually, I was thinking about blogging in both languages per entry ... that may be easier for me and gives the non-english speakers of my family and friends the opportunity to keep caught up with our daily life.

So... what do you think? One of my blogging friends (Nat) blogs bilingual and it seems to work fine. :)

Oh ... and just in case you crave a nice snack but don't want potato crisps ... Aldi has Pan Fried Vegetable and Pan Fried Parsnip Crisps!! We believe they have added that to their regular stock now... and they are YUMMIE!!!


sharonfruit said…
I looooooooooove them vegetable crisps.

Blogging bilingual sounds good. Maybe I'll pick up some German ;o)

Sharon xx
Helen said…
great way to keep everyone happy doing your blog in both languages!

As for the crisps...we do them at work too.I've had the veggie ones but i'm not a fan of parsnips! lol


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