2007 is one week old tomorrow....

...and I still haven't drawn up my "New Year's aspirations". Ach well, I will do that tomorrow ... just had a lot on this week.

DH and I have been shopping a bit today before and after training (well...after 2 hours at training - the players still had 1.5 hours to go! :D ). I got an A5 folder for my Banana Frog stamps (and maybe other cling-on (LOL) stamps if I can find a way to do that) and a plastic ruler for the new Royal Mail sizes.

Borders didn't have the CK February in yet, and I couldn't find any marked down scrapbooking things at WHSmiths so I just got my calendar refill for my "filofax", the Daily Mail for the free DVD and a set of organising items (2 magazine holders, 2 slimline A4 folders etc.) for half price.

Off to Aldi & Lidl for some food ... seem to have lost out on the Brother labeller though... will have to stick to my manual Dymo type one.

Have been shining my sink again and had 1 hour on the PS2 playing "Lego Star Wars II" again and then let DH and one of our friends watch playoff games in the lounge ... while I am trying to get a layout done... :)


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