The Lobster Story

If you've read my blog you'll know that DH had the idea to buy a cooked frozen lobster. I told him that's fine, but he'd have to cook it as I've never have cooked a lobster (neither has he).

I took the beast out of the freezer yesterday at 11:30am as the instructions said it would take 6 hours to defrost. When DH came home from the Youth Game in Glasgow that thing had still lots of ice stuck to it. DH had his usual "hurricane" and was not happy at all because it changed plans for food etc. He's really a drama queen sometimes!! ;) We ended up having one batch of the sausages I bought at the Crafts for Christmas fair last weekend (yummie ones!!) and agreed to have the lobster today.

DH went to Aldi to get his new MP3 player and then went off to training, which I decided to skip today...far too much to do.

So ... as I guessed... I ended up cooking the beast!! :) It wasn't very big to begin with, and the meat coming out was even less... but it was delish! :) Had it with the left over veg from yesterday (broccoli, carrots, sugar snap peas & mangetout) and rice.

Not rushing to get it again, but it was really a nice meal. And it was more the fight of getting the meat out of the shell than cooking it (cooking was only 5 mins).


Anonymous said…
LOL - ich kann nachvollziehen, daß Du nicht so gerne das Teil kochen wolltest- wenigstens war es schon tot. Ohne Hummerbesteck ist es bestimmt ziemlich hart das ganze rauszufummeln - ein Nußknacker ist auf jeden fall hilfreich und eine zum Beispiel dünne lange Aufschnittgabel - dann geht es eigentlich ganz einfach und man bekommt das Fleisch in einem heraus!
sharonfruit said…
Ohmigod! I cannot believe you ate that - lol!

I can't do shellfish really. It's only recently I've started eating fish again.

Sharon xx

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