Slight change of plans?

Well... I am still not 100% ... that stupid lurgy is just stuck with me. Gunk in my throat and nose, but at least I don't have the facial pain from sinusitis. At least SOMETHING!! Got my (normal) flu jag on Tuesday, and the nurse booked me in for the Swine Flu jag next week Wednesday ... yep, I'm classified as "risk group person" due to my Asthma. And I kinda trust in those jags, so will go and get it, although lots of friends/acquaintances who had taken tamiflu said they felt horrible. Wonder if it's because they already HAD swine flu (or a very strong flu) and that aggravated it a bit, or if it was a side effect? But then ... others said they only had a very painful arm with bruise. Let's hope for the latter, eh?

I've not done anything for the crop tomorrow ... IF I am going (depending on how I feel), I will only take the stamp swap thingies, my embossing powders, ink pads, heat gun and the Chinese Whispers. Travelling light. I will only stay until 12pm max as we're having the Wolves Rookie Day from 1:30pm. And knowing me I am not able to do more than just 2 cards during 2 hours anyway! ;)

We've had word today that the pitches at JKC are called off for Sunday ... which means that the CLANSMEN v MAVERICKS game is cancelled. I personally don't have it officially yet from my Head coach, but as our Juniors are training the same day I'm part of the "intel". :) Will be going to Junior training to see the boys again, but afternoon will be off ... might actually get some catch up and scrapping done??

As for crafties ... I will be finally able to post my Chinese Whispers on my blog after tomorrow ... just so you see I HAVE been doing some scrapping ... even though it's just one layout per month! ;)


sharonfruit said…
I had the swine flu jab on Wednesday. The only after-effects I had were a sore arm (uncomfortable to lie on in bed) and the lymph nodes in my armpit feeling like rocks for a few days.

S xx

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