I'm behind already... :(

2 days behind ... oops! But had 2 very busy days, with getting the house tidy enough for lots of friends coming over for the Wolves Game Day Team Meal yesterday evening for Bonfire Night.

Got that sorted, went food shopping yesterday and also bought the last bits for DH's birthday pressie which I still have to do during my days off next week! :o  Should have enough time though. :)

IMG_0003 Managed to make 2 batches of cheesecake brownies (one for the Clansmen game on Sunday, and one for the Bonfire Night Party yesterday) and pasta salad - again for the Bonfire night.

Had 5 people calling off but the house was still full, and we had lots of FUN, good food (everyone brought something - quite an interesting mix of dishes!!), very good company ... and we even managed to do a little brain storming on how to improve the gameday experience for our fans in 2010!

IMG_0001And DH had fun setting off the fireworks ... first time in his life! :)  The garden shows a few signs from yesterday (there's a black patch from where DH and TD set off the rockets... ;) ) but it's all ok. IMG_0004

And guess what ... I did take a couple of shots of the fireworks ... but I totally forgot to take pics of the people who were around!! :o BAD SCRAPPER!!!  


Today I'll take it slowly ... have been doing some housework (emptying/filling the dishwasher, putting on a wash) and will catch up with Shim's class at some point - and plan to do some crafty stuff, too! :)

Oh ... and here are photos of my new Autumn/Halloween deco - I got the pumpkins from Rebekah when she closed down Stampers Grove. LOVE the fact the big one houses a tealight - the small ones have a ball in them and function as bells. ;)

IMG_0008 IMG_0009

Surprised I don't have much autumn/fall decorations ... really have to change that!! :D

IMG_0010Oh ... and the first of my 3 books I ordered through QUIDCO for the Wolves Quidclan has turned up... :) The other 2 are about jelly rolls, which I've never used yet but am looking forward to after seeing Lynz's quilts!! :D 


humel said…
Cheesecake Brownies??? Mmmmmm.... *drifts off into happy reverie*

Ahem. Sorry. Am _finally_ returning your kind visit to my blog, and got totally distracted by your mention of cheesecake brownies!! Love your firework photos, I would have done exactly the same if I'd actually managed to get out and see any fireworks last night.... Weather was well dodgy and I haven't been well, so it didn't seem like a good idea!

Anyway, hope you're enjoying Shimelle's class as much as I am :-)

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