Nice and sunny again...

Wohooo, seems like spring is coming! :) We had nice weather for the last couple of days now, it's great!

I have a lot to do today, partly Wolves stuff, partly crafty stuff ... but instead I've dealt with a wash, have been finally getting rid of the out of date stuff from the pantry (has been outside since early January to be emptied (jars, tins) so I can put them into our recycling bucket, but of course that was too subtle a hint for the male contingent of this household.... 8/

Will have to check online for some more seed potatoes ... anyone know where there are good priced Rooster Potatoes? DH and I just love them and if I can grow them in my barrel that would save some dosh. :)

Well... off to hover the stairs now ... and then do some Wolves stuff... and then hopefully get some scrapping done!


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