Waiting for 11:30

That's just cruel ... I am now in bed, waiting for the clock to tick over to 11:30pm so I can set the final injection for this drive.

Bit scared ... hoping that my body behaves and that I won't end up with OHSS on Tuesday when we have EC. Apparently I got 24+ follies on the right ovary, so if they all mature I am DEFINITELY in for OHSS and that means only retrieval but not a transfer, all embies into deep freeze. :(

Sooooo ... hoping for the best but of course won't know until Tuesday after EC.


Anam_Kihaku said…
sending all our love and our best wishes for this wait.

*hugs* for useless company work people.

I tried (and failed) what you are going through before and it sucked beyond belief for me so i do understand a little and wish i could help more.
Anonymous said…
Hugs and lots of them Kat. Hope the next few days go well, your ovaries behave themselves (as if they would be so nice!). All the luck in the world, Livvy.
p.s. Sorry to hear about the injury at the last game - I really hope the guy will be alright. Love to you both.
Hi ... ich hoffe gestern hat alles geklappt und du hattest keine ähm OHSS meint das "Überstimmulation" ?? Mir fehlen einfach die englischen Fachbegriffe !! Ich denk an dich und drück dir die Daumen !! Und zu deiner Kollegin - Ja sowas hört man immer wieder diese tollen NICHTSNUTZIGEN Ratschläge :o(( die haben einfach keine Ahnung !! Ich drück dich und hoffe sooooo sehr ... du weißt schon !! LG Dörte

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