Is it this time of the year again already? Can't believe it!!! The first half of the year is in a blur, and the 2nd half is not much better!!! :( But hey, roll on 2008 - can't get worse I think? :) Today we had a bit of a tidy around the house, had our traditional (?!?!) Raclette and now have moved upstairs to avoid any drunk revellers. I am unable to find the "Dinner for One" Video for the 2nd year running (really have to make sure I have it for next year!!!) - DH googled it yesterday ... Interesting information there about the countries where it's being broadcasted! :) I am still trying to catch up with Shim's Christmas Journal - will do that tomorrow while DH is watching LOADS of College Football! :) But I managed today's entry. HAPPY HOGMANAY TO YOU ALL!!! ... wonder if I should suggest a little walk towards Corstorphine Hill to DH?