Photo Scavenger Hunt Musings…

Well, hubby said this year’s scavenger hunt is much easier than last year’s. I partly have to agree with him. Although, there are a couple of items I’ll really have to think about.

Someone or something sleeping is not a problem. I can take nearly daily photos of the Hobbits (sometimes even hubby) sleeping… Winking smile

So, the things that might be a problem I think are:

9) A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn’t

12) A cloud in the shape of something (well, given the grey skies we have fairly   
       frequently I can only hope for a few more nice sunny days!!)

16) A windmill

19) A Fisherman

Well… we’ll see how that’ll go, have enough time to get it all done.

For today I’ll give you your first dose of cuteness (but I think I’ll get even better shots of “Someone/Something sleeping”)…

2013-06-12 16.27.24


Maria Ontiveros said…
I do worry that this year's list is too easy. I was thinking the windmill and fisherman might be hard to find, as well as the thing out of place. We shall see.
Your nappers are definitely the cutest I've seen!

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