Done some stuff...

But the to do list is still long. :o Went to the gym this morning at 9:30am (instead of yesterday evening). DH and I went to the inlaws yesterday for dinner and afterwards to the cinema to see "Eagle Eye" - VERY good movie, interesting plot - can only recommend it.

Anyway, today I've done mostly stuff around the house, and put stuff together for the holiday.

Lots of stuff still to do tomorrow/Monday, but am on track. :) Tomorrow is also the NFL game at Wembley, so if you want to watch it with like-minded people in Edinburgh, come to SPORTSTERS, where the Wolves contingent will be. :)

Tomorrow morning I'll will do some crafty stuff... looking forward to it. :)

....and no, I haven't taken lots of photos ... :o


Hi Kat .. komisch Bloglines hat mir HEUTE (3.11.) erst deinen neuen Beitrag vom 25.10. angezeigt ... inzwischen bist du schon im Urlaub, aber ich wollte mich trotzdem noch für die ganz ganz süße Karte bedanken ! Hab mich tierisch gefreut !! (und ein schlechtes Gewissen bekommen, weil ich an sowas immer garnicht denke !) Wünsch dir weiterhin einen tollen Urlaub !!

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