
Showing posts from March, 2008

When it rains ...'s a blinking deluge here (pours is not enough!)!!! One of our coaches who was supposed to pick up the kit and a couple of players and then go to Fordell Firs directly fell sick and cannot attend the weekend. DH is one of the few who are insured to drive a van and is now loosing 3 hours he had set aside to pack his stuff and preparing things for camp because he has - AS BLIMMING USUAL - to do the fire fighting!!! Right now he's on the way to pick up the van, go to JKC to get the kit, pick up one of the players and drop off the van at another player who fortunately can drive the van! Then he has to come back (not before 7pm - he had planned to be home at 4pm!) and do all the other stuff so we won't be at Fordell Firs until approx. 9pm. THEN my Mutsch just phoned and told me that the contusion in the lumbar region last July was not a contusion at all but a blinking double break of the L2 (2nd lumbar vertebra). Her Doc got her a quick date for an OP - but of course that no...

Delayed Easter Mail

This week I got my Easter Mail! :) A nice Easter Card from my friend Doerte in Germany (the card itself is a darker red than the pink from the scan!!) And this morning arrived a nice care parcel from my Mutsch with faaaaar too much chocolate for us! :D ;) It contains the following: 1 x "5 Minuten Terrine" Huehner Nudeltopf (Very nice German Cup A Soup from Maggi , Chicken Noodle flavour) 1 x "5 Minuten Terrine" Kartoffelbrei mit Fruehlingsgemuese (as above, but this time potato mash with spring veggies) 1x "5 Minuten Terrine"Broccoli Nudeltopf (as above, but Broccoli Noodle) 2 " Milka " Chocolate Easter Bunnies 2 " Milka " Funny Egg cups with chocolate bunny 1 x " Milka " Easter Chocolate Mix 1 x " Milka " Cream Chocolate Bar 1 x " Milka" Cow Patch Chocolate Bar 2 x " Milka " Easter Bunny shaped Chocolate Bars 1 x " Ritter Sport " Cappuccino Chocolate Bar 1 x " Ritter Sport "...

And she goeth forth and feedeth the masses...

Well... with a little luck I will and help from 3-4 other people mainly. :D The Wolves have their first weekend camp this week and we've got approx 35-40 people in total. Now ... that's for breakkie, lunch and dinner Saturday and breakkie & lunch Sunday. I've shopped/cooked for about a 1/3 of that in the past but my brain doesn't even imagine how much cereals and milk I would need for just the breakfasts!!! :o Specially as I've seen what the guys can devour! Currently getting help from the ladies on UKS (Brown Owls/Guides/Scouts) and hopefully will be able to get stuff together... ;) Shopping list has to be ready tonight so our HC and DC can go to Costco tomorrow.

First painkiller free day

for the post OP pain that is. Just to kick me up the back side my head decided to put in a migraine for good measure. :( Woke up with headache after 6 hours sleep (just couldn't fall asleep last night) and during the day it disappeared and now I have the blurry vision - so "4head" and 2 co-codamol to prevent any further attacks... Tummy is all blue and yellow, nice bruises really. The nurse at my GP has no appointments free until Thursday, so getting the stitches out won't happen until then. Currently not happy with the whole thing - laparoscopy to drain the cyst is fine, then about 6-12 monhts later it's refilled as they don't remove the cyst because they are worried about damaging the ovary. So I am going to have laps again and again, until we may have a positive IVF cycle and then my specialist strongly suggests we go down the road of hysterectomy/removal of the ovaries. I know that I had endo probably since I started to have my period as I always had very...

Happy Easter

Hope you all have a nice day with lots of eggs... ;) I am mostly still in bed, although I don't need as many painkillers anymore - just taking them now when the pain gets worse. The OP has been mixing up life a bit here the last week ... didn't do anything for St. Paddy's day (not that I am usually wearing the green, but a guinness or murphy's is usually in it!) and Easter is faaaar too early this year as well. Usually I do paint a couple of eggs and we have "Gruene Sosse" - but I've used the last batch of the herbs from Germany (from the freezer) earlier this year. Not good, but at least I don't have to explain DH how to do the sauce. As for eggs - no coloured ones this year (don't know if they actually sell painted chicken eggs in the shops over here... in Germany they do) but I got a nice Aero Egg and on Thursday morning before the OP I got a parcel ... my best friend Sharon sent me an Easter Egg via Hotel Chocolat. SOOO GREAT, hun!!! Thanks ...

After OP

Back home now - arrived at 8:15pm. Was ok to go to "departure" lounge at 6:45pm ... but couldn't do required "No1" before leaving. My anaesthesist was not informed of me being a "difficult intubator" due to my jaw anatomy so we had the possibility of the OP to be pushed back as she wasn't too comfortable. Arrived at 11:30am, got seen first time at 11:50am by the nurse and then nothing until 1:10pm for the anaesthesist. Saw Dr. T immediately afterwards and then had to wait until 2:05pm to get changed. Got into the Anaesthesist's room at around 2:45pm and then they took 15 mins to get me sorted. Fortunately, a specialist doc for difficult throats just finished her patient and was able to help my anaesthesist (Dr Burns - a lovely lady!). Got it done with a monitor - stylish! :D As soon as she injected the cocktail I was gone (no problem to get the canula in the hand this time! HURRAH!!)... Was fairly ok in the recovery area but not 100%, was the...

Not long to go...

It's Wednesday evening, and in about 1 hour I am going to switch off the lights ... and then will get up about 6:45am tomorrow to have some toast and then go back to bed until 9am. The cyst is cramping quite a bit today, hurts more than my little toe ... and to top it all up the "witch" arrived .. 3 days early. I don't think it makes a difference to the OP tomorrow, but hope that's correct. Don't want them to push the OP back as I suspect that if we don't do the draining tomorrow I'll be rushed into hospital again with acute infection etc. We've been to the cinema after work - our first film in March we think (after approx. 6 movies in February). As we've got our Cineworld Pass we should watch at least 2 movies each to get a bonus out of the Ā£11.99 per month. Ah well. What did we see? "Be Kind Rewind" . VERY funny movie, and typically Jack Black! :) Had a good time there, glad we decided to watch it, as it helped taking my mind off th...

Toe's getting better...

I am able to walk without hobbling about, it doesn't hurt all the time and colour looks a little healthier as well. It's quite interesting that the bruise is now moving towards the metatarsal (i.e. away from the toe to the wider part of the foot). Means the pain will lessen, as the blood is moving into a bigger area. Again, I doubt that the toe is broken. If you wonder about my toes on the photos - my little toe and the one beside it are like that normally ... not sure how they got formed like that (slightly sideways) but they are. :) So don't worry. And Sharon - no, hun ... you're not a hobbit! :)

Kent Exiles @ Wolves Pre-season Friendly

And the game report is here .

Photographic evidence...

Here you go ... "grizzly" details. :)

Self inflicted injury - without playing!!

Well... you don't have to PLAY football to get injured ... The thing I learned yesterday at the pre-season game against Kent - Don't show players why it's important to tuck in their jerseys by flinging one of them around you by grabbing their jersey (acting as a centrifuge) because they may get off balance and step on your pinky toe with their cleats!!! OUUUUUUCH!!!! Result ... an angry purple-ish bruise all over the pinky toe, excrutiating pain but at least not broken as far as we (Ambulance guys and myself) figured out. Not going to hospital, as they'd only "buddy tape" the tiny toe and I can do that myself. Will get enough pain killers on Thursday anyway... Might post a photo later - don't have the correct software on the laptop to transfer pics from the camera. Can't fault the player, just self-inflicted injury. Really should have stayed at the crop! Ah well... doing ok, it's just a pain that the little toe is doing all the time involuntar...

General musings

regarding General Anaesthetics. Just flicking through the leaflet I had in my hands already 3 times since I arrived in Scotland 9 years ago. :o Somehow I am getting to the point to wonder how many GAs (General Anaesthetics) a person gets through until you are getting onto the side effects/complications section? I mean ... I get the very common and common side effects (apparently 1 in 10 and 1 in 100) - Sore Throat (because I am a grade IV throat) - Headache - Dizziness - Aches, pains and backache Uncommon side effects and complications (that's 1 in 1000) - Muscle pain - Damage to teeth, lips or tongue (again, grade IV throat - small) I've never had any of the rare or very rare complications which are 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 100,000. And then of course there's the "biggie" - there are probably about five deaths for every million anaesthetics in the UK. They are usually caused by a combination of 4 or 5 complications together. Just mathematically ... how many GAs do ...

Busy weekend and all that. :)

This weekend was just busy busy busy. Friday night we went to our friend's housewarming party. Usually I don't really like going to "themed" parties, but this time we did dress up... Theme was "Come as you are ... when the firealarm goes off". DH was in Referee Top, jogging bottoms and had his whistle around the neck (the only thing I could quickly throw together as he was very delayed at work) and I was wearing my bathgown and one of those turban towels on the head (plus slippers in our friend's flat). We had his gift (only one - the others just brought BYOB really... what's wrong with this country/generation?????) and when we arrived we were the only ones apart from the host and his other half who dressed up ... the others were all in their normal clothes (jeans etc.). Bit boring. But hey, I was NOT embarassed ... would have been worse if I'd been the ONLY one dressed up. :D Saturday DH and I went to a "Good to Great" session from th...

Lazy day with shopping

Have been online and watching TV today plus doing 2 dark washes and then went out (by bus) to pay in money for the Senior and the Youth/Junior Teams (incidentially at 2 different banks!). First I thought I am going to the RBS & BOS on Corstorphine Road, then remembered that we don't really have the traditional New Home gift (think that's only German though - Salt and Bread "Brot und Salz, Gott erhalt's") for our friend's housewarming party tonight ... so I thought I am going to the RBS at Corstorphine and then to the BOS at The Gyle where I could get the gifts at Morrisons. But then I remembered the small RBS branch at South Gyle and that was that. :) Paid in money, forgot the slot top of the money box at the bank (which I picked up again on the way home though) and then had a good shop at Morrisons. Got a plastic collander, whole peppercorns and sea salt for grinding (we have mini cruets at home for people who move into their own house) and a loaf of brea...

A little Blogthing for the day...

... considering how blinking grey it is outside again... :( What An Iris Says About You You are incredibly hopeful and courageous. Even when you've been challenged in life, you have faith that everything will work out. Your feelings run deep, and you are a very grateful person. What Do The Flowers You Pick Say About You?

Busy time has started...

Right, gone missing a little... LOL. Lots of things on my mind, and the annual frenzy of getting Player Applications done and dusted is just peaking ... We've got a pre-season game on the 15th and have to have our rookies all registered by then. The "Vets" from last year are fortunately registered until end of March. Have been clearing DH's computer corner a little just now ... should have started in my corner, but somehow it's easier to clean for others first, isn't it? :D Will try to make a little in-road today in my corner though. And finally... here's the Mother's day card for my MIL ... I've been switching off my big PC every time before I went onto the laptop, so never had the chance to do anything. It's actually the "Pansy & Daisy Wreath" (SFL 34034) from Rubberstamp Tapestry and it's the first time I actually used it like they show it on the Craft shows. :D Quite fun actually, just need more ink pads. *LOL* Update on ...


Finally managed to finish my CJ "Mein Lieblingsrezept" (my favourite recipe) for the CJ group at Dani's Forum . Due to the headaches it took me a little longer to finish it, but at least it's going in the post tomorrow. Looking forward to doing yet another German CJ. I've also got a picture from the Mother's Day Card I made for my MIL. Used the Pansy Set of the Rubberstamp Tapestry stamps - the first time I actually used them in that way. LOVELY! ETA - no connection to main PC just now ... will load the photo tomorrow. :D