Blast from the Past...

That's what's happening when you sign up for those "Friends Reunited" websites ... in my case it's "Wer kennt wen". And it's quite scary, but I've found already 34 people I know. Lots of them I haven't seen even prior to me moving to the UK in autumn 1998!! And it's just GREAT!!! I wish I could just meet up with them at some point. And there are soooo many that I am still "searching for". ;)

Another thing was that when I was searching for music for my playlist (right column) I came across ONE German Song quite by accident, from one of my favourite bands back in the 80s & 90s (Pur). Now I am sitting here and listen to the CDs I got from them (11!!) plus 2 more CDs from German Bands.

And of course that brings back TONS of memories... ;) Right now I am wondering what would have been if I hadn't moved to the UK. Would I be married? Would I have started yet another "circle of friends"? What kind of job would I do? One thing I am nearly certain about is that I wouldn't be a scrapper! :) Nor would I be involved in American Football (apart from maybe watching). SCARY, the 2 things that have huge impact on my life right now.

How about you? What do you think would have happened if you would have taken a different turn in life?


sharonfruit said…
Well, I for one am glad you moved to the UK!

S xx
hav2sing said…
It is always interesting to think about where we might have ended up if we'd NOT done something... If himself and I had waited for him to finish school and come to the states, I'd probably still be working at American Airlines... I'd certainly be stamping, singing and scrapping -- but I probably would not have signed up to be a CM consultant over here... and I wouldn't have met so many awesome people (you included).

And hey -- if you ever want to swap via mail (US stuff for UK stuff like food...) please let me know!

:D C

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