Now … I’m not too sure why nature can be sooo cruel??? I mean .. having to go through IVF to get pregnant is enough, don’t you think?

But then being told by the consultant that I have a small risk of OHSS (Ovary hyper simulation syndrome) is a bit much to take, isn’t it?

Scan was today, and somehow the left ovary decided to produce follicles (“follies”) like mad … believe it was about 11 in the left and 8 in the right? Anyway, I am growing too good – and if it turns out that I have OHSS then they will do an “emergency OP” to drain the follicles but they won’t put them back in this time. The eggs will be fertilized and then put on ice (“frosties”). Not what I want – I heard that the success rate for frosties is 50% of the normal IVF success rate (and read somewhere it’s less than 20%). YIKES!!! I really hope that my body behaves from now on!!!

This time we had Irene as nurse and it was the usual blood test. But this time I had to wait until lunch to get information about the dose for Puregon … which meant to do the injection at work. Quite a weird thing to do, but at least we have a first aid room with a “sharps” box and quiet.

So I phoned up at lunch and they said that my dose is still the same as the hormone levels are ok for the time being. Apparently it doubles over 48 hours – so they hope that everything will be fine.  Possible days for the egg collection are Wednesday, Thursday or Friday next week.

And for a totally different matter – Don’t go to work nights out!!! They’re not worth it, it’s weird to see your boss/colleagues etc. drunk and talk rubbish.  So far I haven’t been to any “outings” for exactly these reasons but went yesterday evening (probably because I needed a distraction from the whole IVF stuff) – and I definitely won’t do it again!!!  Theme was “World Cup” and they had a fancy dress thing – so my boss and I dressed up in Wolves pants (that’s the trousers they wear) and jerseys and did kinda look the part. Considering that the other people only had a football (soccer) strip on or the “Designer Jerseys” from Soccer teams I think we should have won the prize for the Fancy Dress part of things … but haven’t heard anything about that.

Well…. It just made me realise that my decision not to go to these events was right and I won’t go in future. Team nights out are bad enough (and for my team are to be avoided at all costs – cannae stand drunk females really … and there’s always at least ONE!!)


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