Day 2 post ET

Day 5 of the whole thing ... apparently my little embies are supposed to be blastocysts today and do the "nisting in" ... and I really hope they hold on properly!!!

The emby transfer on Friday was "smooth" (or so the nurse and consultant said - I was feeling uncomfy with the speculum etc - sorry ... tmi!). We have 2 grade II embies back on board and 3-4 grade II embies to be frosties. Grade I embies only happen once every fortnight apparently, so I think we've done well.

Went to Ikea after the transfer (mmmh... should have put my feet up but needed some diversion!) and then the rest was me flopping on the couch.

Yesterday about the same thing, went for 2 hours to ArtStamps (and restraint myself shopping wise!) and then back on the couch.

I have trouble with migraines since day before EC (and I think it's the hormones) and today feel a little nausea, but believe that's because I didn't have any breakfast yet.

Think I'll keep to the resting pattern until Tuesday and then will be off the couch for more ...

Mmmh... now for that ice pack and mint oil .... not allowed painkillers as far as I know ... :(


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