… and we’re now TINY BABIES

In Mothercare clothing that is. Winking smile Today’s visit from the Health Visitor showed that Megan is now 2.99kgs (6.9lbs), and Kara (the wee older sister who’s weight has us worried because she’s soo tiny in comparison to big little sister Megan) is now 2.57kgs (5.11lbs). Which is incidentally Megan’s birth weight. Winking smile

So, whenever I find the time, I’ll have to sort out our “Early Baby” size clothes (i.e. anything up to 5lbs). Didn’t last long, but I’m glad both are putting on the weight. We’re still on 3hrly feeds, but I think we’re getting used to that routine, and somehow I think mothers tend to cope with less sleep once the routine comes into force. I’ll take a nap after the next feed, mind. Winking smile

We still have to work on the breast feeding, but we’ll get there. Don’t think I’ll BFing 100%, but planning on bottle feed EBM during the night feeds (currently SMA during nights). The health visitor will be coming around at a feed next time and then, hopefully, we’ll get things started.

Sorry that the blog now turns into a baby info blog … Winking smile I hope that from October onwards I’ll be able to show some crafty things again. Open-mouthed smile


humel said…
I can't believe I haven't managed to leave my congratulations for you yet! Computer time has been limited lately, but I had heard the news, and I'm so happy for you :) They're adorable!!
Joanne said…
loving tiny babies :)
Jennifer Grace said…
Hello, just popped by from LSNED, I'm impressed you're attempting the class with two such little ones! I've got a 6week old son and 3 year old daughter, but that seems easy compared to your handful!

I look forward to seeing you in class! Jennifer x

P.S. Your babies are gorgeous!
Latharia said…
Yay for baby blogging!!!! :D I plan on doing LSNED this year, too -- and it will be very baby focused!!

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