
Showing posts from April, 2009

... and then the *crash*

Mmmmh... probably logical, but after my caffeine rush, doing all the stuff etc. I've been feeling totally shattered today. And zapped ... physically and mentally. Glad I managed to do stuff at work really ... although I had to force my brain to function. Got home, cooked (well... reheated Batchelor's Creamy Tomato Soup and put 3 pre-baked frozen rolls in the oven) dinner and then went upstairs to deal with e-mails and the league spreadsheet. Now I am not able to concentrate anymore, so will finish the spreadsheet tomorrow and am now going to watch Cold Case. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow!!!

1st day back

Well... we arrived back home yesterday at around 11pm - and I woke up with a migraine this morning (no surprise... I had already headaches during the day and on the flight). Anyway... I got an ice pack, some mint oil and decided to take tablets to get the migraine at the beginning, so I wouldn't lose too much of today (have a full to-do list!!). BAD IDEA! At least to take those tablets (Excedrin Migraine)... was wide awake at 8:30am ... caffeine rush!! :o NEVER EVER had that before when I took those tabs. WEIRD!! Anyway... have just put on the 2nd wash and am still high and flying ... geesh!! ;) Good thing is that my migraine is gone. Let's see the to-do list today: Mow Lawn Check Potatos/Strawberries/Rhubarb/Fruit bushes and deal (water etc.) Start digging veggie patch Peel German asparagus and freeze Prepare "Gruene Sosse" and freeze Edit Wolves Photos for Dave Burn CD for Dave & send Do One Stamp swap Do Chinese Whispers Swap White Wash I White Wash II Dark W...

Wolves TV Episode 3

This one is from our Combine... and a bit more serious.

Day 3 - Croatian Food and more shopping

Mmmh... since we're here the weather is grey, misty and rainy... that's after they had around 24 degrees Celsius on Tuesday/Wednesday!! Typical!! ;) Today we skipped breakfast (well... I had the last 2 Easter Eggs - hard boiled) because we were still full and because we decided to go for a pre-birthday bash with my mum's 2 best friends. And we went to the restaurant we traditionally go to for my mum's birthday - "Zagreb" in Kriftel, which is Croatian food. YUMMM!!! And you REALLY have to skip breakfast (and/or dinner) when you go there. Really filling fayre and yummie! It's one of the things I miss in Edinburgh - Greek and Croatian restaurants, and "proper" Italian restaurants. And they are celebrating 40 (?) years in Kriftel now! I tell you, my tummy is trained by WW - I had to stop 1/2 way through with food, so DH and I asked for a "doggy bag". ;) After lunch we had a quick look at cars (and DH just couldn't understand that...

Day 2 - Lie in and shopping

Today we went shopping ... non SB shopping at the "MTZ" which is a very nice shopping centre like the American Malls but with more outdoor decor. ;) Had a look at the Multimedia shop "Media Markt" (for CDs & DVDs) then went up to get my annual "Mettbroetchen" while my mum was searching for a jacket in different clothes shops and DH was looking for cheap LEGO. ;) Then I got more of my other "stash" obsession - Teas (leaf teas - no tea bags allowed there!). Got a new Roiboos (Lemon), an Easter Tea (black with flavours) and now bought a 100g bag of China Keemun tea (which I found through Sharon as tea bags at Whittards). Really looking forward to drinking that one. I also got a taster bag for another type of Keemun. For lunch we took Mutsch to Starbucks - yes, they are sprouting in Germany as well!!! - and treated her to a Cappucino and a NY Cheesecake, while I opted for the Chai Latte with Raspberry Cheesecake and DH had a Strawberry Milks...

Day 1: SB Shopping & meet 2nd part of family

Today we went shopping at the "Stempelmeer" - an SB shop which is 35 mins by car from my mum (and I only knew of its existence since 2007!!). It's my usual place to get my "Stamping Bellas" although I was already worried they wouldn't carry them anymore as I couldn't find ANYTHING about Bellas on their website. :o I had arranged for one of the editors of the "Scrap-Art-Zine" (SAZ), Jana, to meet up who visited her hubby in Frankfurt. Was absolutely fun, we had a chat about stash, the fact that I forgot to extend my SAZ sub (I promise I will re-sub, Jana & Nat!! LOL), SB trends etc. Really fun!! But of course forgot to take a photo of us two together!!! :( Then went shopping - 5 Bellas, 2 Mags, 1 Maya Road stamp tin "Cupcakes" and 2 "smellalicious" scented embossing powders from Gel-a-tins ("Chocolate Bliss" & "Apple Fresh") and I was ā‚¬103 poorer. ;) That's the stamps, I tell you!! :) I ...


We're on our annual trip to Germany. And I am getting more and more the feeling we really need to increase the time we're here to 2 weeks ... or maybe come down twice a year. First time ever we (well I) went straight from work to the airport with a quick "fly by" at home to pick up the bags. DH had only 1/2 day at work and finished the packing etc, while the inlaws picked me up at 3:15pm. We were already a bit concerned as the weather was getting a bit foggy (well... let's face it, "Athur's Seat" was totally hidden when I got out of the office!) but flight was not cancelled. We went into the "Servisair" lounge as usual (another bonus having an RBS Gold account), this time it was cheese and crackers (we usually get the breakfast there). I liked the cracked pepper crackers!! ;) Arriving at Frankfurt in the mist/fog as well ... seeing my mum after the last OP was great, although she's shrunk about 5 cm (through the back OP?) - first ...

Not feeling great...

Was feeling a bit off yesterday (just missing Sundays doing stuff at home and not Football related really) and woke with a headache today. Not sure if that's still from the GA on Thursday, or if it's the weather or who knows what else!! :( Been staying in bed for half day, then did some cleaning in the kitchen and put on the slow cooker for dinner ("Greek Beef" - YUMM!! And this time with the right cheese!! ;) ). Now headache's come back. Decided I won't go to the weigh in on Wednesday as I know I haven't been good last week ... have been treating myself too much because of the OP I think. ;) Ah well, the week off will hopefully help. Am also wondering what I should get for my mum's birthday and my brain currently draws a blank all the time ... :o Not too keen to go to work tomorrow and Wednesday either... So not really in the best mood right now. :o Sorry for the moaning ... just feel totally "blah" right now. :( Off to check the slow cook...

Post OP day...

OP yesterday went fine - and I only call it an OP because I was under GA (general anesthetics). No pain just feeling shattered from the GA. They have not found anything, and because of that didn't do a D&C either. So I wonder what they are going to tell me what their next steps are. I am not willing to shell out lots of money again just to get another negative. :( I've got a stuffed nose and sore throat, but I think it's more a cold coming along (DH has sinusitis right now) than from the OP. Will take it easy and stay in bed today ... should be back to normal tomorrow (apart from cold obviously). Was glad to have my anesthesist who "diagnosed" my difficult intubation last year, Dr Burns, attending my OP yesterday. She also told me that my mum's allergy to anesthetics components is not hereditary and that I had 2 of the components she's allergic to in my other GAs in the past so no probs whatsoever. PHEW. :)