
Showing posts from July, 2008

Surprise ... it's SUMMER!!!

Not sure how long it will stay, but I believe we now have officially 1.5 weeks summer! ;) It's sunny, it's warm - the last 2 home games were without rain ... FAB! Hopefully getting the wash done (at least the Wolves stuff) but really could do with a fan up in the study ... having 2 PCs and a fridge/freezer plus a small TV running doesn't help ... and the fact that it's up on the 3rd floor ... phew!! DH is going to speak to the guys from Velux - every year the heat stores on the 3rd floor because the sky light cannot be opened (well... it can ... if they had included some chain or similar when they actually installed it!). And we need to replace the one in the spare bedroom as it has a crack in it (and we really don't have a clue where this is coming from!). So we'll see what's happening there. ETA - Just went out to hang up the next load of jerseys ... and it's looking very hazy out there ... wouldn't surprise me if it would start raining any min...

Wordle it

I've seen it on friends' and fellow scrappers' blogs for a month or so ... and now decided to do it myself. :) This one is from my blog ... It's in nice Wolves' colours as well... ;)

Seen it....WOW!!!

And again... WOW!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! *F*A*N*T*A*S*T*I*C* !!!! Can't say more, as Sharon hasn't seen it yet ... Hun, you'll LOVE IT!!! We'll discuss it on Sunday! ;)

Some photos from today..

Been doing some Wolves work today, went to get 5 tickets for The Dark Knigth tonight (just hope the other members of the "Wolves Geek Squad" are getting their tickets ok ... but the staff at UGC said it's already busy ... so who knows? 20:15 showing was already sold out when we got there at 11:30!! Then on to Jimmy Chungs - after a long absence. They seemed to have changed some of their buffet, now includes Honey Roast Pork which DH was searching for high and low ... was a little dry, not sure how he liked it. Back home after quick shopping trip to Lidl ... and got dinner for myself (Allan got his own, DH is in a meeting after work for Clubsport Edinburgh and meets us at the cinema - so got sandwiches with him) ... Knew what I would have for dinner as soon as I saw it!!!! Lambs lettuce with bacon bits is one of my favs, and it's really SCARY how hard it is to get lambs lettuce here in the UK!!! I get it about 1-2 a year, while in Germany we eat it far more often! The...

And another one!!!

Here we go again!!! WAHEY!!!! One of our Rookies got the BAFL Player of the Week (week 15) !!! YOU GO, "G"!!!

Camera Feedback?

One of "my" players, "Tigger", has given me his Fujifilm Finepix 6900 Zoom. Don't even know if it's for "keeps" or just lend, will ask him on Sunday. Since I am 21 I only have Canon cameras, bought my first SLR for my 21st birthday, a Canon EOS5000, and DH bought me my new Canon EOS350D for Christmas/Birthday 2005. Haven't had any non-SLRs for over 12 years and just don't have a CLUE about that Fujifilm one. For starts ... it's not using CF cards , so will have to look into this. If any of my readers know this camera and can give me some feedback that would be much appreciated. One thing I have to say - it's lighter and more compact than my EOS350D. Easier to take on holiday maybe? And it does do Video recording as well... I think... :)

What is it with me?

I am signing up for scrapping/journalling classes ... and I don't get anywhere. I've signed up for Shimelle's Classes ("There's no place like home", "You think you know me"and now "My Freedom") and one of Corinne's classes ("Finding YOU") as well as one Big Picture Scrapbooking ("Love of my life" or something along those lines). And I always sign up for it when I am on a new cycle, or during Wolves season. And I always fall behind ... or don't even start (but I have all prompts saved and will catch up in a quiet minute!!). Really not happy about it, so I hope I'll catch up a bit today with "My Freedom" .

Not my day really...

What a day yesterday!!! Forgot the flyers for Sunday for work, sent myself the wrong file for creating the Intranet bit for Sunday come home and the only thing that's been done is plumbing and installing the dishwasher. What the heck are they DOING when I am at work? Want to have the last bits and bobs done by end of this WEEK! FINI! NO DISCUSSIONS!! :( Grumpy hubby because of that and other things, mid-week training for a change with good numbers (including 1 player coming back from IR = Injured Reserve, and another one turning up again after a long unexplained absence (uni)). Then - one of our equipment helpers and player gets injured ... shoulder pain and all that. Everything swollen, he can move arm more or less but under pain - so quick an ice pack on it and off to hospital (really glad RIE is just around the corner from JKC!). We arrive at around 9:45, don't get seen until around midnight. :O Then it took a further 1.5 hours for all the tests & scans ... WHAT A NIGHT...

Quick update to "to do list"

Ok, here it goes .... Chip didn't turn up until lunchtime yesterday (gave me a little more time to relax and deal with the headache) then figured out that the new dishwasher needed more copper pipe - which he didn't want to buy as he had still left overs at home. We then were chatting (Chip, Allan and myself) for another 3 hours about recipe, Wolves (funny ... think that was the same kinda thing we talked about last year! ;) ) and Strength & Conditioning (that was for Allan's benefit). TA DA list Monday Gym (yep, I actually went, although the head was still throbbing, so cardio was only 15 mins) Searched for approx 70 e-mail addresses and sent out 50 e-mails inviting Wolves players Past and Present (between 2003 and 2008) to the Home Coming Game on 26th July!! TA DA list Tuesday 1 birthday card Birthday present from Forum Swap packed Finished CJ entry Packed CJs (and scanned prior to that for own records) Prepared lunch for work Quick-ish Sports massage on Allan's S...

Just the usual

Watched TV late last night ("Keeping the faith" with Ben Stiller and Edward Norton - classic! ;) ) and think that may have triggered headaches for me today (add to that long day yesterday?). So my to do list may be a bit shorter. Gym's been pushed back to afternoon/early evening, maybe DH can join Al and me for that this time. Chip won't turn up until lunch time (as today's only the dishwasher) and I have to proof read our next game day program as well. Sooooo ... think Shimelle's classes layouts (both "My Freedom" and "Scrap your day") may have to be put on hold for today.


is going to be a busy day again I think ... we'll have Chip finally coming around to finish off the jobs from last year (ooops! Very busy man, isn' t he?) so hopefully I'll have a dishwasher at least. Things on my list for tomorrow are: Gym 2 New Baby Cards 1 Condolences Card 1 Birthday present for Dani's Forum (and I am sooo late! DARN!) Finish CJ entry in Doerte's CJ Send off Condolences Card, CJ and Birthday Present Collect e-mail address for all people EVER played in a Wolves Jersey and invite them for the homecoming game on 26th July Do back dated blog entries for Shimelle's new class (My Freedom) Take photos and do blog entry for tomorrow for Shimelle's "My Freedom" class Prepare album for Shimelle's "Scrap your day" (yes, I STILL haven't done anything but taking faithfully my photos on the 25th ... but I only started in May, so effectively only 2 months behind... :o Scan new registration form for our newest Senior player a...

Allan's "Brag" book ...

There you go... finally!! Left several pages empty after the official league Award print so I could add approx. 2 pix each of our remaining 3 games plus maybe awards night pics? And the 2008 team photo as well. PS: Al said yesterday that's the probably the best present he ever got. Well... there you go! :)


Pheeew!!! Just worked approx. 11 hours on a minibook for Allan's birthday. DH told me on Wednesday that it's his birthday on Saturday, so yesterday I have been searching through photos (not easy as Allan has been wearing 4 different jerseys since 2003!!) and found 23 first, thought that's easy done ... and then thought I should add the relevant team photos as well... and some chapter titles ... and Wolves Logos and helmets ... and side tags... and his Nomination & Win as Player of the week 13 ... and a nice cover as well ... And to add to all that ... I am not a speedy scrapper! Not at all!! I thought it would be easy, the homemade (BIA - finally done correctly but should have used bigger wires!!) album with inserts 5x7 and single photos of 4x6 ...'s a "labour of love" ... LOL. Allan is a very good friend of ours, does a lot for the team and helps around the house until he's getting a job so he can pay some rent to us... And he's real...


Lots of films on our list... we went to see "Wanted" 2 weeks ago (?) but it was sold out so went to see " Narnia - Prince Caspian " (Religion/Christianity showing more in this one than in the first one!! But I was still able to watch it). On our list is: Kung Fu Panda Wanted (probably tonight) The Forbidden Kingdom Hancock The Dark Knight (Wolves Geek Squad outing on 24 July!! ;) A couple of "maybes" are: Mamma Mia (maybe with MIL) Meet Dave Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D Female Agents

Wolves Win BAFL Player of the Week (week 13) !!!

WOLVES WIN BAFL PLAYER OF THE WEEK (WEEK 13) Just while we're here (and so I can keep track of it!!) ... and it's not because Allan is our lodger. ;)

Nice Evening!!

Had a very nice evening yesterday! Some of us "EFREC Girls" decided to have a meet up to chat, give support IRL (not only on the forum) and probably bitch about our situations, the treatment, people around us who don't have a CLUE about what we're going through etc. Jan picked me up after work and we drove through town to Crammond Brig - I've never been there, even though I've been driven past numerous times (on the way to the Strawberry Picking place, to the training camp, to Perth in the Megabus etc.). Once we all were there (Jan, Helen, Caroline Anne, Dawn and myself) we selected a nice secluded niche with a round table (so nobody has to overhear us talking!) and ordered food. I got a Ciabatta Burger (grass fed beef ... what else do they feed the others? ;) ) and Tiramisu (where you could REALLY taste the coffee - but that's the only dish I don't mind coffee!) for dessert. YUM! Was great, lots to talk, a lot of support (and I was the 2nd youngest i...

And now some advertising...

Something was going on behind the scenes of American football in the last couple of months ... And here you go! :) The Edinburgh Wolves and Fife Fire are joining forces to form FORTH VALLEY FUSION !! This is the new Youth (16-19 year olds) coming out of the Wolves and Fire Junior teams and plans are for them to feed back into the Wolves Senior team once they are 19 year old. Looking forward to this, specially as I am currently (???) not involved in it and may actually be just photographer and spectator at Football games!! :D

And now there are two! LOVE IT!!!

Interesting twist to the whole story! :) TWO Doctors! And the whole talk between the 2nd David Tennant and Donna.... BRILLIANT!!! DH actually watched a couple of minutes at Meadowbank (we had a TV for the inlaws to watch the Tennis women's final between the Williams' sisters) ... NASTY! So I wonder if he knew about the "healing" instead of regenerating?? Now we have a biiiig problem.... No new series until 2010!! And only 3 specials in 2009. And still sooo long to go before we see the Christmas Special. :( And if that wasn't enough ... our "bridging" TV program, "Torchwood" , is going into Production in August for series 3 ... now ... what to watch??? :o

1 CJ down

and one to go. Decided to send them individually, due to the funny postage prices from RM!! :0 So here are the pictures from Steffi's CJ "Alltaegliche Wunder" ("Daily wonders"). Not too happy with it, but this topic wasn't one that I could think of something easily... :o Material: BG patterned paper (can't remember which one), Flowers from Rebecca's Scrapbooking Stash (I get the monthly basic kit), Brads, Autumn Leaves "Ticketed" stamp, Journalling Stamp BG (?). I'm still working on Doerte's CJ, and I am happier with how that turns out, probably because of the theme. :) Will post pics tomorrow or Friday.

And just as if it was not enough...

Got cramps now ... and possibly AF coming along soon. NO FAIR!!! :(

And back to nothing

Felt a little nauseous this morning, had scan (ovaries are back to normal) and blood test and then the waiting game started ... we managed to hand in stuff to the grounds keeper at Meadowbank and hang up the Wolves Banner again during that time and check the gameday program. DH called the clinic at 12pm ... and the result was I am totally angry and fed up with it all right now. :( Why didn't I get anywhere near this time? Had detox, acupuncture, took time off work, was eating sensible and have been taking vits. FFS!!! What else can be done? It seems the embryos are doing ok, just don't want to stick. And I bet the doctors will come back with the whole "weight thing" again. Gosh, I know people who are double to 2.5x my size, who have been eating not very healthily and still got pregnant naturally. Why don't the specialists bother to check out WHY I am not getting anywhere??? It's ridiculous that we spent already approx Ā£8k and they don't bother looking int...