
Showing posts from April, 2008

Official Game Report Game 1

Copy on the web ... Evening news promised us a printed version as well ... if anyone of you got a copy can you please keep it and pass it to me? Same with any newsclippings you find about the Edinburgh Wolves. THANKS!!! :)

Aftermath No 1

I'm tired ... shattered ... and totally drained (physically as well as mentally!). Still running on empty after this MEGA weekend (Cyber Crop Friday night/Saturday morning/afternoon, Wedding Saturday evening and first game - away in Glasgow - on Sunday). Hope I can recharge at some point this week as we have our first home game on Sunday and that will be even more draining ... back to stadium drill and all that. PHEW! :) At least NO Wolves wash this week, so was able to put on a wash for ourselves plus our "prodigal son" aka Allan. :) Yep, our lodger is back, and it's quite nice. :) Fortunately Allan is one of the quiet type, so no problem at all. After a BIG rush to get 3 registration forms done for the league as well as that blimming "living will" equivalent signed and e-mailed to my sis I now have to go to the postbox to send the originals to the League and my sis respectively. Maybe a little fresh air (combined with some rain) will help me wake up a lit...

And here are the photies

A sunny day at Lonchinch, Pollock Country Park, a nice gridiron on good grass, 22+ grown men ready to fight on each side - what else do you want? Wolves @ Tigers 2008 - as usual a very good game and aftergame food & chat was great.

UKS Cyber Crop

Well... not much done this time, specially as I had to get stuff ready for the game on Sunday and we had our friends' wedding Saturday evening, so didn't do much. Got 90 points though. :) Here are my attempts: "Pretty in Pink" class from Chloe - as I am not a "pink" person, I've slightly changed the colour scheme... Then we have a challenge ... "Blank Cheque" - a challenge to do a Layout without any patterned paper. Not a problem for me, as I don't use that much patterned paper anyway. :) I took the opportunity to do my CJ entry for Babs in the 2nd CJ Group on Dani's Forum (German). Journalling Reads: "That's what it looks like in my house nearly every Monday. Edinburgh Wolves kit, i.e. Jerseys and pants. Either from Training or games (10 per year minimum). Juniors and Seniors. Approx. 40-45 sets, each week. That my own washing is not getting done much is understandable. BUT I LOVE DOING IT!" Title "Any Given Monday...

Official Wolves Write up

Here you go! :) Official Wolves write up pre game 1!! :)

Grumpy and busy!!

Not the best day today ... busy with getting things sorted for the Junior Wolves tournament tomorrow and the Senior game on Sunday. Who had the stupid idea to have the tournament the day before our first game - an away game to boot!!! - AND the day we're attending a wedding in the evening???? $)*$Ā£)*)$Ā£(*$%)(*$* !!!! Also - got a phone call from my sis this morning ... saga with my mum is going on. Apparently the OP didn't go as smoothly as we're told, and in Germany the doctors don't HAVE to tell next of kin what's going on unless you have something similar to a "living will" (which neither my Mutsch nor my sis or I have for that matter!). That's something new, think it was put forward in 2005 and got included in the medical law in 2006/2007. Feeling f****** helpless in that situation while I am up here, and then I am getting chased by coaches about players who are not registered ... because I never got the flaming forms in time! ARRRGGHHH!!! Right .....

Flume rides!

Nice afternoon out with my sis, nephew and DH. My mum wasn't feeling too well (pre-OP jitters) and decided to stay home. So we went to the "Rhein-Main Therme" which I am growing more and more fond of. Of course it cannot compete with the "Taunus Therme" in Bad Homburg (totally different feel to it), but hey, it is just around the corner from my mum's flat and for young kids it's fab! And the sauna area is not too bad either. I checked with the staff whether I am allowed to take photos of family members whilst swimming, and they said as long as I don't take pictures of anyone else that's fine - HAH! So much better than in the UK!! We had so much fun - and I didn't even have the chance to read my book as we were all busy swimming in the "wild water canal", going down the flumes, watching Ciaran jumping off the 1 meter board, being in the wave pool and enjoying a cuppa and a piece of cake. ;) LOTS of fun - and it was great ...

Back in Germany

We've been slightly rushing around packing Doug's bag and the food stuff for Germany this morning, then posting things for Awards for All and BAFA Player & Coaches registrations. But managed to get a taxi and got to the airport in time. Quick check in, getting 2 adapters for mainland Europe (mine have gone missing somehow), one of which we will leave at my Mutsch. After the scanning - I set off the scanning thingy, but was told that's the random check, now done by the machine itself, so you don't get the "s/he's been picking on me due to religion/race etc". Then we went to the Servisair Lounge, nice breakfast and fairly on time boarding. The book vending machine still has me in fits, but now I found a vending machine for Ben & Jerry's Ice cream with a mini-freezer etc. (see below). FUNNY! And very tempting. :D Flight was fine although we were sitting in the last row (and they still say you've got a window seat ... that window is bes...

Little mad dash about ...

Have done quite a lot today, considering the headache which is still thumping ... I usually abstain as long as I can from painkillers, but right now I've taken some Co-codamol. Don't fancy a bad headachey night and having more headache tomorrow when boarding the plane!! Anyway ... still got some PC stuff to do which I will do tomorrow morning (with the current head I can only sleep until 9am anyway!) - e-mail player applications to the league (which will be issued by post tomorrow before going to the airport), e-mail latest contact details of our youth/junior players to the people in charge while we're away and getting some more documents onto the laptop. Just copied our cruise photos over so I can show them to family - and really should think about how to scrap them... :D Bag is packed ... I think ... I mean ... what do you need for 1.5 weeks with your family at their place? Pants/socks/bras, T'shirts, 2 jumpers (in case weather is as bad as here), swimming cozzy, nec...

Not feeling too good

Got headaches again ... woke up with them already, thought they're going away at some point so took the bus to work after the doctors (picking up prescription for Zolly and being told that the heartburn I am suffering from since the week after the laparoscopy is normal and probably still a side effect from the gas they pump into your tummy) but when I got to Roseburn Place and the headache was unbearable, plus I felt nauseous, so took the next bus back home. Not too happy about that, but either the whole news about my mum or the Zolly (or maybe both?) had a negative effect on my today. Have to get some stuff done later the evening before we head off to Germany tomorrow, but right now I am taking some time out again in a dark room... :(

I'm tired

Didn't get enought sleep, today is my day off and I usually catch up on sleep on those ... and should be still asleep for another 15 mins or so. But no, we've got a slot for an uplift for our blinking dishwasher (yes, we FINALLY are getting somewhere with it ... i.e. uplift and refund of money and then we've got to search for a new one) - between 7 and 11!!! Just hate it when they give me that slot! Usually they don't arrive until 10 or 10:30am for that. But bet you that they would stand at the door at 9am if I decide to sleep longer! Currently having my cuppa, then decide on breakfast. With all that heartburn/acid reflux last week I quite fancy a bowl of semolina. Which is quite funny - lots of people don't like either semolina or Farina but I LOVE my "Griessbrei" (Semolina Pudding) - did already as a child. Now I just have to find out if we still have a jar of Morello Cherries in the cupboard ... they go nicely with semolina pud! :) Oh ... and there you ...

It's here.. we've got one in Edinburgh!!!

DH told me last week about it ... we have a (Drumm roll) QUIZNOS in Edinburgh!!! It's on South Bridge, opposite Pound Stretcher, just 2 doors from Subway !!! And today after work I went in and got my dinner ... went for the Steakhouse Beef Dip. :) Was nice.. yummie! :) I shouldn't have had a look at the menu in the US though ... FAR MORE YUMMIE SELECTION!!! Hope they'll increase their menu over here as well over the months, like Subway did.

CJ Entry for Sonja, my new goodies and UKS Cyber Crop

This is my CJ entry for Sonja from Dani's Forum. Theme was "What you still have from childhood". Journalling all in German (sorry) for a change. ;) At least I got already some points for April on UKS. As for the goodies ... I got a letter from the US today with my new Cuttlebug dies (through E-bay). LUVVELY!! The Embossing folder "Allegro" And then one of the Disney Combo Dies (Cut & Emboss) "Kick off" Now I am just waiting for the delivery from Ellison. :) Else ... UKS is having another Cyber Crop - this time "The Oscars". I usually miss out the crop in the first 1/2 of the year as it usually is during our holiday in Germany, but this time it's just the weekend of the week we come back, so looking forward to it. :) We've got Steve & Jill's evening reception on the Saturday, and our first game of the season at the Glasgow Tigers that weekend, so won't be able to attend that much, but hey ... at least I can spend so...