
Still struggling with sleep deprivation from Superbowl on Sunday, but hey … maybe I’ll get finally to sleep BEFORE midnight.

And since 11am this morning the “little secret” from the Adamsons is now not a secret anymore.


The IVF run in December was positive (typical, the one we thought won’t do anything and we’ll have to go down to London to get immune issues checked out), and we had our official 12 week scan today.

Both Chip and Chap are doing fine, are moving about, have all limbs and noses and chins and heartbeats.
And I’m feeling as if a big rock’s been removed from my shoulders … have been reading too many horror stories about twin pregnancies resulting in just one baby born or even losing both. Think with 5 years IVF in the bag we know far too much about the medical background and are more likely to worry about what COULD go wrong instead of “enjoying the pregnancy”.

But there you go – all going ok, tests were normal as well (don’t have the official result, but the measurements (nuchal translucency) as per T’Internet are normal.

I *think* we’re back for the 20 week scan, but due to twins we may have one in between … but I think we just get more scans from week 28 onwards.

Next stage is next midwife appointment on 8 March – which seems to be aaaaages away (again, that’s because when you do an IVF run you get seen 1-2 times per week for about 2-4 weeks)…
Glad I can now post openly about that all and hopefully some mums or mums-to-be can feed back their experiences. Smile


Anam_Kihaku said…
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! so bloody good news and well deserved - just crying with joy for you here!!!
Joanne said…
Brilliant News Kat! So happy for you both, sorry its taken me a few days to find your announcement. Sending big virtual hugs your way hunny :)
Latharia said…
THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations!!!! Oh, oh ... that's fabulous!! I really "get" what you're talking about with the 5 years of pain. YAY!!!!! :D :D :D
HUGE Congrats!!!! So fun! Hope you and the babies are doing well. xoxo

P.S. I had to move my blog as it got hacked. New address:
Latharia said…
I hope things are going are well for you & your babies!!

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