Where has it gone???

It's unbelievable - we just finished our 2009 season with the Senior Wolves ... WINNING SEASON BABY!! ;) 6-4 !!! And just short of the playoffs! :o Good game at Chester Romans - one of the teams I actually like to play against and where we have good relations.

But SERIOUSLY!!! That's us done for another year with league games!!! Scary thought, the last 3.5 months just flew past.

Our Junior Wolves have their last tournament on Saturday - provided we have enough kids to travel that is.

And then that's us for a while ... until pre-season starts (probably end of October or so).

But it's not all over in BAFL (British American Football League) land for me - we will help out at BBXXIII (BritBowl XXIII) again, and we follow our record of bringing always one more volunteer than the previous year! ;) This year we will "bleed" Scott NW. :)

And after that it will be our Awards night - which we plan to have together with the Junior Wolves one (like last year) and the Forth Valley Fusion guys (special request from HC - so we can "graduate" the guys who are too old to play Youth next year to the Senior Wolves).

So... you can see ... still a lot going on, and I will also be attending a couple of BUAFL (British University American Football League) games as we have 3 Wolves (well... one came through the Junior/youth ranks) playing in non-Edinburgh Unis and our coaches are getting involved in Uniball again. But that means me just taking pics and rooting for players. ;) All the fun but not the hardship. Could get used to that. ;)


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