
Showing posts from July, 2007


I can't believe it ... Doug's actually booked our holiday we've been trying to plan over the last month!!! :) It's a cruise with Ocean Village, their "Temples and Tavernas" one. Plan is for me to go down to visit Sharon and go to Ally Pally, and Doug will come down to London on the 3rd October ... the cruise/flights start on the 4th. My first ever cruise ... and it looks like fun. It's a fairly leisurely cruise, no dinner banquets etc. So probably right up our route. We wanted to do the "Marinas & Medinas" (Italy, Spain, Monaco, Tunis) because Doug fancied a trip to Carthage, but unfortunately it's only a 5 hour stay at Tunis and that wouldn't be enough time. I quite fancied the Greek ones, either the Island hopping one plus Limassol and Ephesus (that would have only started around the 11th and Doug's only getting the first 2 weeks in October time off) or the one visiting Athens, Corfu etc. Like the "Temples & Tavernas...

No cinema then.... :(

Had a nice 1.5 hours with the girls & Kev at the Crags - had a baked potatoe with Tuna Mayo and a Soda & lime for Ā£2.50!! Deffo cheaper than at work (which is just across the road)!! :D " Then took the #30 to get to the cinema, not before telling a couple from Michigan (Grand Rapids) how to get to the Grassmarket. Switched to a #1 after explaining them to find Castle Terrace and then got a phone call from Doug ... the 7pm and 8:15pm showing of "The Simpsons Movie" was sold out so we decided to go straight home. Allan won't be home until after 10pm anyway as he got a job now (well done!!). Think I'll be off to read HP again once Criminal Minds is finished. Early-ish night tonight as I have to get to work tomorrow (overtime) and I really really want to start at 10am. :(

Busy Friday ....

mmmmh... think I should get used to this, with our schedule for August... :o Have done: *Doctors visit *Sewn holes in 3 Game pants *Sewn hole in Skirt *Hoovered Kitchen *Mopped kitchen *fill dishwasher Now what else to do today??? *Library *hand sew button on work blouse *meet workmates for a couple non-alcoholic drinks *Have dinner (something small at the Crags) *Meet D & A at 7pm for The Simpsons Movie And tomorrow is not better.... *4 hours overtime *help D & A sort out kit for away trip on Sunday *Cook Dinner But hey ... it's not tooooo bad. Just don't get any crafting done, and the new HP is still lying there with only 2 chapters read. TSK TSK TSK!!!


Einige der Maedels vom SBS Forum haben ihre Scrapecke/Scrapraum usw in ihren Blogs gepostet, nachdem Jana dazu aufgerufen hatte. Ich hab mich ja die ganze Zeit nicht getraut, da hier wirklich die HOELLE los ist und ich wirklich nur beim Edinburgh Crop zum scrappen komme (und ich war im Juni beim letzten Crop!)... Kein Mojo, und auch einfach KEIN PLATZ!!! Naja... wenn ihr so die Fotos seht, ist das irgendwie kein Wunder... OOOPS! Ich habe vor, dieses Chaos waehrend der naechsten Tage ein bisschen in Ordnung zu bringen ... damit ich weiss, was ich eigentlich in Perth kaufen MUSS!! ;) Wir (einige Maedels vom Ediburgh Crop) machen naemlich am Mittwoch einen kleinen Scrapperausflug hoch zu dem Scrapbookshop da oben!! ;) Some of the girls of the SBS Forum posted a photo of their Scraparea/Scraproom in their Blogs, after Jana posted a challenge to show them on her blog. I didn't dare to post them the whole time, because it's really CHAOS here and I haven't had the time to scra...

Just no time...

Don't have much time to do anything at the moment as it seems, trying to get stuff done for the Wolves' next game - I really hope we'll get a better schedule next year!!!!! >:( Anyway, there's lots of back dated posting to come later this week, plus I was tagged by Doerte and will do that hopefully soon as well. Might even go as far as feel myself tagged by Josie with regards to my first ever "Schulzeugnis" (school report).... who knows??? Off to beddy boos now though, as I feel a headache coming on and it's getting veeeery late!!!

Sorry for language last night...

...but that shows you how passionate I am about the game and how much the team means to me. :) Woke up with a bit of a headache (from the sunburn??) and sore quads .... AND I HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED!!! ;D It's all the bending down etc with the injured players. Seems to happen all the time as well, but not as much. Plan of attack today is to do part of the kit wash, get another application out for yet another player, and getting to ERI for our IVF follow up appointment. And probably fitting in some ironing as well if I have the time. Ah well... the dreaded housework again, eh??? :)

And here it is....

okay, okay, that's after 30 mins in the kitchen, and the hair is flat again because of fiddling about on the bus (hey, when does it EVER look like it does when you leave the hairdresser?????). Long bob with side fringe and feathery layers. I like it. Doug was a bit shocked by it being that short, but it's not too bad and I am sure he'll grow to like it. ;D And yes, I know, all 3 photos were taken in my jammies ... it's getting late... ;)

Time for a change...

Well, it's the annual "ritual" of getting a new hair style. :) I only need to go to a salon once a year to get the new style, and then my MIL will do the "maintenance". Not sure what style I want ... was wondering about a bob, but then... I'd like to have the hair long enough so I can get them in a pony tail (mainly for the baseball caps :D ). Then the question is ... FRINGE or NO FRINGE?? I don't have a clue. And considering that those Hair magazines cost about Ā£2.30 I think I'll wait until tomorrow after work to see Elaine at the Cube again, have a read through their magazines and then we will see... So look out for a photo of the new hairstyle tomorrow!! :) The first picture is with the hairband, the second is without.

It's kinda sunny here...

so I decided to make the best of it and "hoover" the lawn (calling it hoovering as we've got a flymo). Had quite long grass on the lower 1/2 of the grass, specially around the fence as DH didn't strim around the whole garden the last time he did it. Ach well, it works (specially with a new spool for the strimmer!!) and it's done now until next week (hopefully no rain then either). I've been taking some photos of our blueberry bush (which seems to yield a LOT of berries this year!!!) and the raspberry canes (I believe we have so far 8 rasps there ... hopefully we get more!! :) ). My redcurrant bush doesn't seem to do anything. It's in the garden the 3rd year now and I thought it's supposed to yield berries now?? Anyone know anything about that? My little pear tree is growing slowly but surely as well ... that's another 3 year no yield, but doesn't matter. Think I will train it along the fence. Hope our potatoes don't have blight ... pr...

A nice evening out...

Haven't had much of these lately ... well, at least none that don't have anything to do with Wolves/BAFA/BAFL. Not saying that they are not nice, but it's a different crowd. :) And I always feel as if I have to take notes or at least remember things that were said. Job of a club secretary, eh? Anyway, I arranged another meet with the ERI girls (i.e. women who are going through the whole IF/IVF/ICSI etc. and are on the Fertility Friends forum . We went to All Bar One on George Street (I got lost ... could BET that the Standing Order or The Dome have been an All Bar One at some point!!!) and were a nice crowd of 6 (Lorna, Maz and myself being already "oldtimers" at meets and probably at treatments and then Dawn, Jan and Karen as "newbies"). Decided to have a bit of rose (Pinot Grigio Blush ... or "Brush" as I called it after the first big glass!! :o ) and ordered a soda and lime just to be on the safe side... ;) Was thinking of getting a salad ...


It's good, it's yummie, it's MORE-ISH!! :) Chip suggested to us to try Quiznos whenever we see one, as it's better than subways apparently. He suggested it when he's been doing the little jobs around our house. We saw a Quiznos at the Metro Centre in Gateshead when we went down on our trip to Whitley Bay and Newcastle in May, but we had already put our hearts on dinner at Big Luke's (All you can eat BBQ ... not what we expected, and no need to rush back). Today when we drove back up from Leicester we agreed we would swing by Quiznos just to check whether Chip is right. We had some Tuna Pasta salad from Asda (not nice, we had 1/2 between us and the rest and the 2nd went into the bin!), croissants and leftovers from our lunches from the convention (apples & crisps). Arrived in Gateshead and Doug suggested we'd go to the Team Valley Centre to see whether we could find the Hobbycraft store. I went in, saw the Sizzlix Sunset Alphabet for Ā£49 which I really...