
Showing posts from March, 2007


Not my week really ... had nasty vice-clampy headaches (tension? Migraines?) Monday and it started again Tuesday. Went to the scan for the cyst etc on Tuesday. Small cyst on the right ovary has gone, and the left one is down to 2cms, so it looks like I won't have another hospitalisation in April... ;) They are planning for me to do the next cycle from 5th May, depending on where I am on the NHS list. THAT means that our holiday plans for end May/beginning of June are out of the window again, because I will start with the stims on 5th May (to be confirmed end of this week) and therefore will have to pop into the clinic twice a week for 2-3 weeks. And then is the EC & ET ... and depending on the quality of the embryos we're probably get blastocyst(5 day old embies instead of 2 days old) transfers. Was hoping to be on my "2WW" (2 week wait) for the holiday, but even then Doug won't let me go because he doesn't want to take away our chances. :( Yesterday I ha...

Pack rat & TAP!!

I really don't know why I bothered taking the test ... I know fine well that I am a pack rat!! ;) Don't agree about the "granola bars", but have lots more stuff falling about. But I'll do my best to get it cleared. Doesn't help that DH is the same ... :D You're a Pack Rat Someday, you'll get totally crushed by a falling pile of stuff. Whether you survive depends on how many old granola bars you have lying around your house. Are You a Pack Rat? I've got a TAP outside now!!! :) Well, in the front garden, makes washing the car & the Gatorade buckets easier ... no more poly bag around the sink tap and the spiral hose through the window!!! :) Easier for gardening as well. Else - we have a little problem with the home improvements ... I still have to make a decision about the bath tub, the dishwasher and the kitchen cabinet. Doug's really keeping from making decisions around the house (when it comes to design etc.). There's also the fact tha...

Ghost Rider ... and a lot of travelling around Edinburgh

Ok - suppose we HAD to see the movie "Ghost Rider", considering it's a comic book adaptation (from the worst ever comic book Doug said!) ... and I have to say it's SOOOO BAAAAD it's GOOD! :) So many times I have been sitting there, smirking at the script etc. Nawh, what a baaaad thing!! But suppose, whoever wants to see it, go for it ... you probably have to see it for yourself!! :D The script is quite mixed up, there is a lot in there (e.g. the scene at the Saloon where the Hell's Angels went in) that could have been cut really. VERY GOOD SPECIAL EFFECTS, but it was very quick for Nicolas Cage to get used to the fact that he turns into a skeleton during nights that is on fire. Hohum!! And being the devil's bounty hunter and the going against him... weird. All in all ... didn't like the script, and was trying to keep a straight face most of the times ... which is not a good sign, unless it was meant to be a funny comedy movie!!! Next week it's ...

Feeling off ...

Had drumming headaches on Monday and a bit on Tuesday, today I feel as if I've pulled my glutes... not nice! :( Haven't been to the gym since Sunday and just feel "OFF" ... not sure if that's the "slump" of the Zolly, or just the weather, or whatever... :( House improvement is getting along nicely, although there are lots of to and fro-ing from Chip getting more/correct materials as the "town houses" here seem to have been dealt with at not 100% good standard. Our en-suite looks like a single optical illusion. Got the 2nd door on the vanity chest, and Chip's now upstairs trying to get rid of the tank (which he's done today ... and I really feared more than once that he'd be falling through the ceiling into the study at some point!). Flooring the loft is going on tomorrow I believe. Got at least the CJ for the SBS Forum done and sent today ... really have to stick to doing my entries as soon as the new CJs arrive. :( Going to see ...

Blogthings... Personality

Saw this Blogthings on Kel's Blog just today ... and my result is: Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP) Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm. Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?

Happy St. Paddy's!!

It's a long time since I've celebrated St. Paddy's properly. Must have been since I left Germany really. :( You'd think with me being in Scotland, so close to Ireland, I'd be celebrating it even more. But I think since I am not in close-ish proximity to the An Sibin in Sachsenhausen anymore (and later the An Sibin in Darmstadt) - while Danny Kelly was running either of them I had TONS of fun there for St. Paddy's, St. Bridget's, Samhain etc. With me not drinking that much anymore I'd probably out after the first 1/2 pint of guinness anyway! :o Today will be mainly going to the gym at 2pm, then scan receipts for Doug and then get the Wolves Forms done where I got all required documents together. And then ... I WANNA SCRAP!!!!! :D Have to get a CJ entry done for "Peppi" (Petra) from the SBS Forum to be sent on Monday. Very busy weekend again as usual, tonight we'll have the price draw for our venue sponsorship, and tomorrow is a double se...

Day 2 of improvements

Today we figured out where the leak is coming from. Well.... Chip did! ;) He decided yesterday to open the case of our "Power shower". I went to the study to look into holiday options for DH and myself, and suddenly I heard the shower going off full power .... About 5 Minutes later Chip turned up in the door - he could have entered a wet t-shirt contest. LOL!! What a bad scrapper am I... I didn't take a picture of him in that state... ;D . We went off to check where the water mains is and switched it off. Later I went through to the ensuite to find the shower screen being taken off - part of the problem for the leak was incorrect sealant (and we actually had them re-doing it with our snagging list 5 years ago!) and possibly a fault in the shower. So that's drying now, and Chip has removed the sealant from the sides of the shower where the shower screen was connected, and from around the shower tray (and removed some mildew while doing it). State of the ensuite just n...

Home improvements

One of our player coaches, Chip, is a joiner and has agreed to do some home improvements - i.e. does help with the small niggles we have in our house. The list is fairly long actually.... Leaking Shower Flooring loft space Moving loft hatch into master bedroom Remove empty water tank in loft if possible Check/replace velux windows top and middle floor Replace light fittings in bathroom Costing/purchase (?) of new higher bath tub Costing/purchase (?) of dishwasher Moving towel rails (?) I think that is the list, but we're open for more/less... :) All depends on the budget of course. :o Chip said it would take approx. 2 weeks - so we'll see how that goes as well. ;) One reason for asking him to help out is here... And the first thing he did was this ;) :D But there's a reason behind it ... he had to "feel" for dampness behind the tiles.

Where has the week been??

I don't feel like I have been doing much lately, although I have been to the gym or pool 5 times out of the last 6 days and am about to leave again for some workout. Doing housework (but not as much as I'd like), cooking etc., Wolves stuff ... and it's nearly Sunday again - suspect I'll get the training kit for washing again as the weather has been WET here, to put it mildly. We had nice sunny spells, but that was about it ... SPELLS. Every time I was ready to continue weeding the front garden it started raining again... :( Had a nice chat with Sharon this week, haven't talked to her in ages, it's usually just MSN or text, but that doesn't replace talking on the phone. Somehow I feel a little run-over, far too much stuff to do, stuff I want to do, studying (Tony is coming over for some E&A in 2 weeks) and not getting time for myself. There's sooo much I want to do and just not enough time for everything. :( Once I am back from the gym I have to sort ...

Bonsai ...

...I love them! Had about 2 when I was in my late teens/early twens, but with me moving all over the place they never survived... :'( My sis and I even did a class waaayyyy back at Tropica Kriftel to create our own Bonsai ... but have to admit, they didn't last long... :o While shopping at Dobbies today for Papermania stuff for a swap at the SBS forum I found some Bonsai, and while they had an offer of small ones in the typical pot & saucer for Ā£5.99 I decided to get some small Bonsai plants myself for Ā£1.49 each and start from scratch again ... and hopefully I'll be able to keep them for a bit. I have some Seeds as well which I bought in Germany, but haven't even tried them yet ... but that's the next step!!! :) Here are some pictures of the plants I have bought. They are only about 2.5 inches high, but I am looking forward to plant them in the Bonsai pots and groom them... :) The smaller one is a Serissa Foetida Variegata and the bigger one is a Cuphea Hy...


Last wash for Wolves/BYAFA has been done and is hanging up ... doesn't look too good, but I am not too bothered really. Will throw our towels in bleach wash at some point, but that's all. If the players are not happy then they shouldn't leave their stuff at JKC or put it into the Wolves Wash!!! HAH! Off to the gyle and then the inlaws for haircut and dinner.

VERY miffed!!!

I found several personal items in the Wolves lot of washing ... jogging bottoms, hoodies, t-shirts.... That made me post on the Forum about it ... had that before, and I am really not in the mood to do personal laundry as well!! All I want are the jerseys and pants, and that's it!!! GRRRRR!! One of our players said it could have been by accident ... but come on, we have collected a big moving box full of leftover clothing in 2 years and it starts out the same this year? Jumpers/T-shirts/Jogging bottoms feel different to jerseys & pants as well ... I just feel disrespected there ... and hopefully this won't happen again!!!