10 Things on the 10th–January 2014

Well… I’ll try my best with it this year. Not sure if any of Shimelle’s “students” are still doing it, but who knows. Smile 

Right … this month’s 10 Things on the 10th is brought to you courtesy of Craftsters.org – or better said the Geeky Swaps there. Winking smile We have a new Geekdom/Fandom swap going, and that’s the 3rd Geekdom/Fandom swap I’ve done, so I thought I better write down some fandoms/geekdoms for the future. Winking smile  Ok, here we go…

  1. Avengers/Thor/Iron Man/X-Men (Marvel)
  2. DC Comics Characters from TV Series/Movies (as I don’t read comics really) (Green Lantern/Batman/Superman/Miss Martian/Supergirl/Green Arrow etc)
  3. The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings
  4. Sherlock (BBC Series w Cumberbatch/Freeman & Movies with RDJ / Law)
  5. Doctor Who
  6. Disney
  7. Harry Potter
  8. Outlander Series (Diana Gabaldon Books & Starz production)
  9. PS3 Lego Games (LOTR, HP, Marvel Superheroes etc)
  10. Murdoch Mysteries (and other Canadian Series)…

Yeah… that’s the list I provided for the swap (bar #10, and I had The Hobbit & LOTR split for 2 bullet points). I’m sure that there are lots more geekdoms/fandoms I could think of if pressed/given more time…


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