Comments quota?

I’ve seen the numbers going up on people checking out my blog, but hardly anyone comments on anything. Might be that they just don’t have anything to say to a particular topic, but still.

I personally am guilty myself, as I’m reading blog entries via the Google Reader, and I’m bad with leaving comments.

Another reason for less comments is probably Facebook with the comments on the walls.

Ah well! Winking smile

However, I’ll now make sure that I’ll be commenting on topics I have something to say (even if it’s just a short comment). Let’s hope I’ll stick to it.


humel said…
Um.... Guilty! Though it's partly because my computer wasn't letting me leave comments.... The thing is, if I did comment on every post on every blog, I wouldn't have time to read all the posts :( Sometimes I have to just let myself read without worrying about commenting :)
Kat said…
I know what you mean, Mel. Same here. But I decided to try and comment on at least 5 blog entries I'm reading in the reader a day. Don't feel bad - I was already wondering if Blogger is playing up. :o
Latharia said…
I hear ya ... Facebook seems to get all the commentary these days. I don't blog hop as often as I used to ... but when I have a spare moment and a sleeping infant, here I am! :D

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