
Showing posts from May, 2009

Summer is here... ?

Looks like it! :) Since yesterday nicest sunshine!! I managed to mow the lawn, strim the edges ... and also managed to pull the stuck lawnmower back over the lead but that's another story! ;) Let's just say we have a new lead for the lawnmower, and at the same time I bought a new blade, as ours is already 6 years old and never went into maintenance. :o Potatoes are growing (I've got a barrell and one of those bags) and my new strawberries seem to do fine as well. :) Will have to tackle the weed in the back where the rasps and red currants are ... nasty little things!! Also bought a pepper, a cucumber and a tomato plant at Tesco yesterday. We'll see how that works out. Still have to actually dig up the veggie patch which I marked out. Think that's something I am going to do today too. On another note - yesterday we went to Dave's (friend of ours who helps with Wolves posters/programs etc.) birthday meal at Al Fresco - I didn't know that this is part of...

Just a wee entry right now...

I am dead ... and I mean *D*E*A*D* ... junior tournament on Saturday (early start), Adult Wolves away game (early start as 11am kick off due to double header for the referees - and HC wanted to be in Wishaw for 9am!!).... got sunburnt to boot, so that doesn't help. And ... I am struggling with missing MOJO ... I wanted to do some scrapping today, and what have I done instead? Done 2 washes, the washing up, emptying the dishwasher and now HAVE to do some ironing (otherwise I won't have any clothes for work tomorrow ;) ). That's just to keep me from going to the study and actually get some scrapping done!! BUT I WILL!! After ironing some blouses and work trousers, I will deffo go upstairs. Promised Pauline she'll get the Chinese Whisper today, and I will keep that promise for once!! ;) But aye - at the moment you can shoot me, take me to the arbattoire ... my brain is fuddled, and I don't have any energy whatsoever!


Sorry for not posting that regular at the moment. Very busy at the moment with the first 2 Wolves game and a Youth game over, now we have a Junior tournament on Saturday and an away game on Sunday.  Will hopefully be able to post some photos later tonight from both games last Sunday.

Guess what ....

I am writing this outside... ;) Without the long cable going through the bedroom window upstairs... :D  Our WiFi is strong enough so I can be on my lappy outside.. WAHEY!!! Sooooo happy about it, as I had to run errands like bringing the sleep monitor back to NRIE - why don't they have a drop-off zone where you DON'T have to pay Ā£1.20 (0-65mins) for the 10 mins it took me to dash in, drop off and come back out??? :( If they have one, then they don't signpost it very well!!! >:( )  And go food shopping for the next 2 weeks (Didn't manage to do that yesterday during/after training as I was helping a new friend - one of our new player's fiancee - shopping for their flat - had tons of fun mind! :) ) and also went to the petrol station twice (once at Shell to get around the Bypass to NRIE and then to fill the tank up at Tesco's - for points - and it was cheaper than at Shell). I did a bit of massage duty as promised to AP, then dashed out to mow the lawn so ...

Shopping, Chai and all that

Had quite a busy day yesterday - had to go to NRIE to pick up my "sleep monitoring" kit and then had planned to meet up with Heather P and Heather R at Fort Kinnaird for a cuppa and some shopping at Borders & Hobbycrafts. Also decided to get rid of some landfill stuff we'd floating around the house since the neighbours' Sky Dish made a flight down into our garden and since we'd have our car checked. I don't like NRIE. It's the most illogical layout I've ever seen in a hospital really... :o Ok, so far I have only experiences from Germany, but that is probably a cliche then! ;) Bad enough that they make you walk through the gynie unit first before you get to the assisted conception unit (unless you park in the smaller car park up the hill ... but if you're taking the bus you really HAVE to walk through the waiting room full of preggers women etc.! If you're coming from the small car park you still have the preggers women outside SMOKING!!! ....

Looooong Day with a not so good result..

First Wolves game of the season ... and not a good result. However, despite key players missing due to circumstances (and in this case it was some linemen) we managed to fill a bus with around 49 (?) people over the journey (with a pick up/drop off at Southwaite Service Station). It's a scary thing, because in the past our travelling squad was around 35 plus non-playing staff... :o I think we'll have to speak to Park's to get a bigger bus for the other away games???? :o The day started early at 5:45am which meant only 5 hours 45 mins sleep ... YAWN!! Fortunately we had most stuff already packed and in the car, so it was just getting the food in the cool bag, breakfast, a quick download of e-mails and then away. We arrived at 6:45am at Meadowbank where most of our players already gathered and had been to McD's for breakfast (no surprise there). Bus arrived in time, we moved the kit and settled down to pick up more players at Livingston - with our usual suspect being l...

Geeesh! It's May already!!! :o

Yeah... scary thought, isn't it? And I don't even mention the time until Xmas... ;) Anyway, what have I done since last week??? ... A lot of registration for the Edinburgh Wolves, paperwork and all that. We've got our first game on Sunday, which is an away trip "across the border". ;) Our bus will leave at 7am ... YAWN!! Currently going through the mad dash of preparing everything ... it just seems that there are always things going wrong prior to the first game of the season, and suddenly players wanting to change their kit or deciding they are good to play after all so didn't organize their kit earlier. ... MEN!!! Although ... most of the team behave more like 14 year old pubescent boys! LOL. Else ... I managed to finish the last Chinese Whisper yesterday (2 weeks late) and will be off to do the Recipe cards for a swap in 15 mins. Then I still have 1 more CJ from the German girls to do as well as a stamp swap ... I really just don't know where the April...