
Showing posts from June, 2015

Thank you/Leaving Gift for Teachers - TICK

YAY! Finished an item off my list! ;)  The Thank you/Leaving gift from the girls for the nursery teachers.  Getting the photos set up was a bit of a fiddly thing, but I really like how it came out.  The box contains 2 packs of flower seeds, 2 packs of vegetable seeds and 2 packs of Werther's Original.  I quite liked the quote I used, which is why I added the seed packets. :) 

Very productive Crop today!! :)

With some pondering we decided that I'd ask my fellow "cropper" Jenny if she's able to give me a lift today, which would mean hubby would have the car to pick up the Hobbitses and he could go shopping the same day (instead of all of us having to traipse out to the shops tomorrow).  This meant I had to cut down on stuff to take to the crop (usually that involves 3 RuB boxes and several bags!!). So I stuck with 3 bags and my craft tote. I already made a plan yesterday what to do at the crop (1 father's day card for FIL, 1 get well soon card for a fellow Craftster, our monthly scrapbook layout challenge and I wanted to blackboard paint the lower part of the girls' leaving present for their nursery teachers).  So ... more organised than usual (everything but the kitchen sink) I actually got EVERYTHING done bar the Get Well Soon card, but I made that decision already yesterday evening after cinema, as I didn't feel like getting my Cameo (Silhouette) se...
Oh my .... I'm on a roll with that blogging thing again me thinks! ;) And hopefully things will stay that way! ;)  Just a quick update regarding the Photo Scavenger Hunt over at Rinda's blog ... I haven't taken any photos specifically with the Scavenger Hunt in mind but have an "out of the box thinking" item in case I cannot find a better option for it. ;)  A bouquet of flowers An ornate door knocker A person walking a dog (or other animal) People playing a board game or card game Architectural columns A metal bridge A turtle Someone "plugged in" to social media A tent A college or university A cellular tower or television satellite dish A public restroom, bathroom, or toilet A merry-go-round or carousel A traffic signal A flag pole with at least three flags on it A panoramic view, taken while standing someplace high in the air At least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms An overloaded truck, car, bicycle or other v...

In the works ... Lists of Fandoms

As already mentioned in 2 posts before, I'm planning a Fandom Bookshelf quilt (that's beside all the other quilts/pillow cases etc I want to make from the Fandom in Stitches Website!!!). Now, I had posted this list already on Facebook, but it's easier for me to have it on the blog for keeping track of it. I still have to adjust things... and I'm not sure I'll get all of my fandoms together in my little twin-addled brain (or even on paper!)!! ;) TV/Movies DC (yeah... probably the whole lot!!Cinematic Universe) Marvel (to hubby's dismay ) - Cinematic Universe only, and most likely restricted to Avengers (& individuals & spin offs) and X-men Doctor Who The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (books & movies) The Hobbit (book & movies) Game of Thrones Disney  (anything really!) Harry Potter Thunderbirds Outlander Sherlock Holmes (RDJ & BC) Star Wars Star Trek (in some way/shape/form) Chuck Castle Person of Interest The Librarian ...

Craftiness & Lists

YAY! I can tick off one of the Craftster swaps from my list! I have been crafty after all! ;) This was a TM (not trade mark - TEESHA MOORE) patches swap - I got into that last year and quite like those little patches. Planning on getting lots together to make a Sewing machine cover ... or a tote bag ... or maybe a cover for the Cameo??? Endless options here! ;)  Some ideas for all of you who've not ventured into TM Patches... ;)  But here you go ... my swap partners are unlikely to follow me on social media, so I think I can post the results here.... My first swap partner's themes I went for was Buddhism/Meditation and France/French: This patch includes my first attempt at filling stitches. My dabbles into embroidery so far just covered back stitch and cross stitch.  A very nice motto for life, I'd say! "Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly". In hindsight, I probably should have used one more strand of embroidery thread doubled up... :o  ...

Thinking out loud ...

Mmmmh... I really wish Microsoft Live writer and Blogger would sort out their problems ... so much easier to write and then upload, but hey ... just have to be on blogger itself to update *gasp!* the blog. ;) Some thoughts running through my head ... how many kids can we accommodate comfortably in our house/garden for the Hobbitses' birthday? I think taking everyone into account we may have 10 kinds around. Is that ok? We don't really want to have a big party this year with going somewhere and paying a lot of money - there's no need for it really. Garden, games and some sausages/potato salad/pasta salad was all I needed when I was a kid?! Only problem is of course that it's the two of them ... instead of just one kid, but so far they have the same friends, so no added numbers! ;) And then for craftiness ... I'm currently thinking about a fandom bookshelf quilt, based on the PoD ( Project of Doom ) bookshelf quilt on Fandom In Stitches .  Was thinking of doing th...

Oh ... Oh ... OH! It's 1st June!!!

*yes ā€¦ and I havenā€™t been blogging a lot again this year so farā€¦ Iā€™ll try my best to be better with that in the next months.* BUT!!! Itā€™s the 1st June!!! That means ā€¦ HEAD OVER TO RINDA FOR THE PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT LIST !!! Iā€™ve been sooo sooo soo looking forward to it, and nearly missed the start again! Sooo ā€¦ time to update the blog again, and post the list and go out and take photos of lots of things (and think outside the box for some I think). 1. A bouquet of flowers 2. An ornate door knocker 3. A person walking a dog (or other animal) 4. People playing a board game or card game 5. Architectural columns 6. A metal bridge 7. A turtle 8. Someone "plugged in" to social media 9. A tent 10. A college or university 11. A cellular tower or television satellite dish 12. A public restroom, bathroom, or toilet 13. A merry-go-round or carousel 14. A traffic signal 15. A flag pole with at least three flags on it 16. A panoramic view, taken while standing someplace high in t...