Little bit of Media..

We’ve been to see “The Hobbit – Desolation of Smaug” yesterday, and it’s absolutely FANTASTIC! LOVED IT!!! YAY!! And have to admit that Kili grows on me a bit more (but still have Fili and of course Thorin as my favourite Dwarves, plus Balin). Aidan Turner still won’t make it onto the Eye Candy list though. Loved the fact that there was more elaboration on what Gandalf was doing during his travels away from the company of Dwarves and Bilbo, as that was only hinted upon in the book. Really good! Same with the Necromancer, which was only mentioned in the book, but not much more was written about him. And then there was Smaug… WOW! NICE Dragon!! Wondering now how much they digitally altered Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice, given that Richard Armitage trained his voice that he speaks about 2 bars lower than his normal voice when playing Thorin – and goosebumps when listening to him will add him to my favourite voice artists, too! On that list are already Christopher Lee (my #1 voice ...