... what a day at work!! ;) Went in early, was grumpy due to several reasons (one being that I had the systems working against me to get to today's target!!). Was talking to one of the ex Junior Wolves/now Fusion players - checking if they had received the e-mail about GB Lions Youth (yep, that's been resurrected ... and we had 3 of our ex Juniors/now Fusion guys trying out plus 2 Senior Wolves under 20). And FINALLY I got the info from Jamie that he, Ross and Chanika (well, knew about that) were all through to round 2 (i.e. training Camp) and Shifty (1 of the Seniors - previously Junior Wolf about 3 years back?) too! WOOOOOOT!!! I tell ya, I got totally giddy at work ... these boys (well, Shifty, Jamie & Ross) have been around/in my "care" for at least 3 years and it's really like seeing my own kids achieving this! WOW! That's the first "Wolves crop" we have at GB Lions - they all (incl. Chanika) started playing Junior Wolves between 1-3 or 4 y...