Merseyside Nighthawks vs. Edinburgh Wolves

A few impressions from Sunday ... still trying to get to grips with my new lens but getting there I think.

The most important thing ...

Which is nice ... to start the HOME season with a win! :)

Very nice touch from our coach - the players came out all side by side in a wide spread line - FAB! Like coming out as "one man". Add to that the song "Sirius" from Alan Parsons Project (used for quite a lot of sports teams in the USA) and that just grants a goosebump effect! ;)

And yes, that's David "Magic" Molloy out of retirement again. :) Welcome back to the pack, Magic!!

I'm now off to bed ... cold turned yesterday evening into a full blown sinusitis and I am feeling crap. Probably will switch tomorrow's work day to Thursday.


Heather said…
Congratulations on the Wolves victory.

(I Googled "Sirius Alan Parsons" to hear the music the team came onto the field to!)

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