The Big word of the week is WORK - Brain dump - Help needed?!?
I know I said I'd not be looking for work until 2017, but have been talking to friends who are just going back to work etc. There's the age old question: What do I want to work? Do I want to go back into admin/pensions/secretarial work, or do I want a career change? At my age, would a change in career be an option? Or should I just trudge back into a "desk jockey job" that I don't like? How many people are actually LOVING their job or have the job only because it's good pay and makes ends meet? And works around kids etc? My main thoughts right now are: I would like a term-time job that works around the girls' school hours. We've been through a hellish time for 5 years to actually HAVE them, so I'd like to be able to spend as much time with them as I can. And yes, I actually would like to go back to work, just for my own sanity and to regain my own personality again, not being "mum/mummy/mami" or "K&M's mum". That...