Nearly that time of year again…

… and this time I hope I can stick to journalling etc. Yup, it’s time for the Journal your Christmas (JYC) 2013!!! It’s my favourite class from Shimelle, and despite me having not finished ONE SINGLE journal/album since I started in 2005 (?), I’m hoping for the best for this year. My plans are to use my newly (??!) purchased SN@P album for it and work with that. Have to prep some things, i.e get embellishments and cardstock/patterned paper sorted/into one box – I’ll try to get some time each evening to make my layouts. Or at least I am planning on blogging every day for the duration of this class. If you like Christmas and are a fan of Shimelle’s, you might want to have a looksie here to read what it’s all about and to purchase the class. As with all of Shimelle’s classes you purchase it once and then get the prompts (for annual classes) the next year around for free. For all the “alumni” – I’ll see you at “class”.