
Showing posts from October, 2007

Halloween impressions

A bit weird having to go to work today after I had Halloween off last year (well... more than just that day ;) ). Didn't carve the pumpkins yesterday but got all the goo out least something. Got a nice Halloween Card from Sharon - thanks, hun! I really have to look into getting some of those stampingbellas as well!! :D Got home at 5:30pm, popped upstairs to print off a template for an easy pumpkin and a recipe for "Brataepfel" (baked apples). Had already kids trying to come around that time, but I ignored the doorbell at that point. After I had done the printing I put on my witch's hat and went in the kitchen to carve pumpkins. NOT THAT EASY WHEN YOU HAVE GYSING KIDS COMING AROUND ALL THE TIME!!! :D So about 4 doorbells and a DH arriving later I was able to finish the FIRST pumpkin ... not too happy with it. It's the one for my DH, and it didn't turn out right. :( Very tricky template ... supposed to say "GO DOLPHINS" ... :o Anyway ... here ...
Wonder if he's still there? Or maybe we can see him at Wembley?? Gosh, what the Americans come up with, eh??? And is it just me or does the commentator have a slight Australian twang?


Just read my Google Reader and came across this post on the Stamps, Paper, Scissors blog . I am a HUGE fan of Thomas Kinkade (Painter of light)... but didn't even know that there are STAMPS based on his paintings!!! Had a look at the link (Cornish Heritage Farms) posted by Jan ... and may just purchase one of them AT SOME point!!! Just look at this ... it's a stamped image!!!

Crop Day

Wasn't able to get a lift to the crop (Doug had to go to Sheffield and none of the other girls who sometimes give me a lift were available) so had to whittle down my own stash to take (was planning on doing something for the Advent Calendar Swap on the SBS Forum anyway), but still was a bit of a problem to lug all the stuff to Tollcross. Never thought the table cloths could be soooo heavy!!! But made it there ok, and we have now a locker (teensy weensy one, but does hold some things ... the table cloths if nothing else... LOL) so that won't happen again. Was a nice small group today, we had lots of call offs because of colds, work etc, wonder how many we'll have next month (which is going to be on 3rd November due to availability of Tollcross)?? Can't show a picture of what I've done as some of the girls from the forum are reading my blog... And we're not allowed to post our gifts as yet. Planning on getting the box with the Advent Calendar sent on Monday ... ...

VERY good song!!! :)

Have been catching up with Sky+ this week and while watching "Ghost Whisperer" (Season 2, Episode 9 "The Curse of the Ninth") I came across this song ... it's FABULOUS!!! Really LOVE it. The song is called "Running Away" by Midnight Hour . FAB! PS: I've updated my blog with pics & updates from London - scroll back! :)

Playing Tourist

Well, actually ... since I moved to Edinburgh I supposed that's what I am in London. :) A tourist/visitor. After yesterd ay's trip down memory lane I wanted to do some sightseeing in the city centre. Things like St. Paul's, Westminster Abbey and Temple Church (and I was interested in it BEFORE "The Da Vinci Code" came out!) sprang to mind when I tried to figure out what to do. I don't get the fact that you have to pay entrance fees for the churches though - that puts off people to visit them I'd say. So ... it will be the usual looking from the outside, although one day I am going to pay the Ā£8 - Ā£13 for those places to see the INSIDE as well. Went to meet Sharon for lunch before my sightseeing, and we had a nice chippy. Got a sole with chips and a ginger beer (that stuff grows on me, but I couldn't drink more than 1/2 pint really!). We wanted to go to Blade Rubber after Sharon's work, but in the end I was still trundling around places so we...

A trip down memory lane...

Today I've planned to go and see my old "haunts" ... i.e. Beckton (where I lived in October 1998 - May 1999), Exchange Tower/Canary Wharf (where I worked) and then - if the weather is kind to me - spend some time in Greenwich. LOVED to go there for a wee bit to the Observatory and just look out over the Docklands really. :) Well, the trip started with RAIN! After the sunny Sunday a bit of a downer, considering I was going to do A LOT of walking today! Took the District Line to BANK (i.e. Monument) and then switched over to the DLR (Docklands Light Rail) - my old transport from my flat to work! The DLR map looked quite a bit different to 1998/1999 - they extended the route to City Airport and now even got further than Greenwich! In 1999 they were just BUILDING Island Gardens. :o And new thing: Had to change trains at Westferry, so from Monument there's no direct train to Beckton anymore. Arrived at Beckton and could for the life of me not find a swipe out machine...