
Showing posts from October, 2015

2015 Halloween Costumes for Twins - DONE!

We're still having an unbroken record of homemade Halloween Costumes for the girls, 4th year running!! :) The girls only told me middle of September they wanted to go as Tigger & Eeyore instead of Supergirl & Miss Martian (the costumes from the Edinburgh Comic Con would have still fitted fine!!)... So, trying to figure out how to make the ideas work I opted for tutus and hoodies (given Scottish weather around Halloween). We'll keep the tutus for visiting Mickey (and hopefully Eeyore & Tigger will make an appearance, too!) next year, but will change tops to T'shirts instead of hoodies (given Florida heat! ;) ). Eeyore's costume was finished on Wednesday, and I decided to omit the tummy patches due to the hoodie pockets and the fact that I went with grey and should have gone with light pink & light yellow (for Tigger). I bought Tigger's tutu from my friend Elaine as she still had a Halloween Witch's one left over (and colour scheme fitted ...

RESULT!! Found the Geocache I first tried to find on 1 January 2009!!

We had a bit of a slow day today, given the Hobbitses decided to take 1 hour for eating porridge. That was okay with me, as I'm quite choked with the head cold ... again... still... whatever! We took the car and parked in Belgrave Gardens to pop to the Wee Shop, to finally make our first purchases in StƶrtebƤcker's physical shop. :) Got some pretzels for lunch (1 Salty for Supergirl, 1 Cheesy with Salami for Miss Martian and 1 cheesy for me ... errr... not pointing them ... just know that I probably have to halve my weekly points!! ;) ), cinnamon buns for the whole family and 2 slices of pear & almond cake for Doug and myself. :) Then off to the UPS collection place to pick up my parcel from a Craftster Swapper with the "Back to Hogwarts" items for me. Hobbitses decided we're having lunch up at Corstorphine Hill, so they can look for more autumn leaves (current obsession to bring home ...besides feathers, stones, acorns, beechnuts and branches...) and I...

Crafty list update

Just a quick update on crafty things... ;) I've signed up for another swap on Craftster ... :o But hey ... it's for a great person and fab crafter and I'm looking forward to making items for her (edited - that's already finished and sent - "Back to Hogwarts Swap" for Ant Bee). Whittling down the lists Nursery teachers' presents for when the girls leave in less than 2 weeks (pinterest to the rescue ... I have now found an idea I quite like and hopefully get sorted!)  -  DONE An order placed with  Kat'sGeekKrafts   for bags .     DONE Crochet summer hat for wee Erica Crochet summer hat for wee Finlay (re-do as the wee boy has a bigger head than anticipated!! ;) )  2/3 Done!! YAY Instead of the Wooly ghan below I'll make a FiS inspired something in time for DH's birthday Wooly ghan for hubby's Christmas (?) Wooly ghan for big sis (that will be most likely for Christmas if not next year, not her birthday) OAHPT Swap for Ginny (got...