
Showing posts from September, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt 2012 Round-up

Ok, here all in one go, so Rinda can make sure I’ve not made any errors or left anything out.   1. A pier 2. A clothesline 3. A border 4. A roadside stand selling something 5. A train 6. A historical landmark 7. A person playing a musical instrument 8. A person dressed as an angel or a statue of an angel 9. A fountain                   10. A horse 11. A shadow 12. A maze, labyrinth, or trail. 13. A library   14. A person playing with a ball. 15. Someone dancing.   “Miss Martian” having a wee dance with Daddy at the Bo...

Photo Scavenger Hunt Summer 2012

Ok… I’ve been travelling wide and far (LOL) to get some photos, have done some “cheating” as well… might change those photos IF I find another opportunity before September 21st. A BORDER Two different borders around Edinburgh – one up at the Mount with view towards the castle, the other one at the Flower Clock with an Olympic message. A TRAIN A PERSON DRESSED AS AN ANGEL OR AN ANGEL STATUE It’s quite interesting how FEW angel statues there are in the cemeteries I’ve been to in Edinburgh the last couple of weeks… this little beauty I finally found today after hubby suggested to try Dalry Cemetery – it was amidst thorn and trees … but I got it!! :D And hubby constantly texted me “DON’T BLINK!”  ( Dr Who Reference ). A FOUNTAIN “Fountain of Faces” (don’t even know if it’s called that) on the Royal Mile with one smiling and one sad mask. My main object for this, however, was Ross Fountain in Princes’ Street Gardens … unfortunately no water in it anymore… :(...

Learn Something New Every Day 1

(LSNED from now on) – another Class from Shimelle . I’m on the alumni list for it, signed up for the first time last year but with the girls being just 1 and a bit months old, 2-3 hourly feeds etc I didn’t even print/read the prompts. So this year I want at least to BLOG if not SCRAP for this class… A bit of a change from last year as far as I remember, but Shimelle said she’s going to keep it short, quick and sweet when it comes to the “scrapping” part of things. Suits me fine. So for today we have the following: My name is Kat and today is the first of September 2012. The last big adventure of my life would probably be my girls turning 1 (and their birth/them being in our lives). Every day with them is an adventure really, and I learn so much about them/me/us.