Happy Father-to-be’s Day to DH!

Today is Father’s Day, and because Doug is effectively already a dad – we just have to wait a little longer – I decided to get him a little present and card from me and the twins. I started the card yesterday at the crop but didn’t have the right stamps for the tag (and it needed adjusting due to the “bespoke” text anyway) – and the fact that I only managed to finish one Thank you card yesterday has nothing to do with that. LOL. As for the present – we saw this book at the Twin Group meeting in June, and Doug’s borrowed it. I had a quick look and ordered for him online, and told him off for reading the book – he thought it was due to being a bit superstitious. But here you go … the present and card for the father-to-be… (absolutely funny book about babies … just like any electrical manual etc.). Stamps are all from Dimension Fourth Ltd ( F1 car and Flags - Doug LOVES F1 &), I also used one of the Spellbinder tags. Everything is embossed in “Blueberry Regular”...