Girl Power!!!

I *might* have mentioned before that I am kinda a “Shimelle-a-holic” when it comes to her classes . I have checked today and out of the classes she’s offered over the years I only haven’t signed up for 4 so far – and due to life (in the past IVF and football) getting in the way I haven’t finished one yet (but am planning to finish maybe a few bits and bobs provided the twins stick close to their due date!!). Anyway, Shimelle is doing her bit for charity today. I’ve copied paragraphs from the e-newsletter I get from her below. Today, 100% of class registrations will be donated to The Girls' Fund from charity Plan-UK, to help educate girls who need our help. If you've ever thought about signing up for a class or gifting a class to a friend, today you can get all the advantages of taking a class with the big added bonus of knowing 100% of the class price is going to help girls go to school and break the cycle of poverty and abuse. As scrapbookers, we are pretty lucky gi...