
Showing posts from May, 2010

How To Fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds

Yup, that's what I have been googling for today ... ;) DH mentioned this technique years ago, and we seem to look it up at least once a year... I personally have never tried this technique until today. Just part of my day off work ... have done 3 washes and been doing ironing while watching TV downstairs, always having an eye on the weather. And yes, I dashed out twice to safe the washing! Deceiving sunshine ... Ah well... back to the ironing board. :o


Now ā€¦ that sounds a bit harsh and scary, but yes ā€¦ I sustained a mild concussion on Saturday when I got into my car after the Clansmen Alumni game! :o  Was feeling ok (apart from a little sore after the bump ā€“ have done that a couple of times in my life, so why think of more? Would be a bump and maybe a bit bruised and ok in a couple of days) on Saturday, but woke up with a horrendous throbbing headache on Sunday.  But of course I just blamed the migraine ā€¦ a very strong one, with painful eyes (felt as if someone was gouging them out!) and a very tight band around the head plus painful back of the head (lower occipital bone) and neck ā€“ all part of my usual ā€œmigraine routineā€, so againā€¦ didnā€™t think of anything. Monday the pain was a little less, but coming and going ā€¦ and a felt a bit more nauseous than Sunday but again ā€¦ coming and goingā€¦ During the night I didnā€™t sleep well, neck was painful depending on how I was lying down. Despite the headaches (coming and going tho...

Swamped with paperwork again & lappy off time!

What is it with Mondays before a game? Always a mad rush to get Wolves registrations done ā€“ I really wish we would get that sorted 2 weeks prior to a game, if players turn up on the Sunday prior to game day then tough ā€“ not getting registered until the week after. :o Doesnā€™t help that my laptop has off time at the moment ā€¦ doesnā€™t comply whatsoever! :(  Iā€™ve tried a back up (but have to clear some space on my external HDD first!!), AntiSpyware check and virus scan, but somehow that doesnā€™t do the trick. Iā€™m really in the mood to do a full format of the disk ā€¦ have copied the most important things from the laptop so COULD do it, but DHā€™s lappy is off to repair and we might not get it back in time, which means mine is on standby for Saturdayā€™s gameā€¦ :o So lost quite a bit of time doing the paperwork between 2 PCs, editing some photos for Saturdayā€™s program ā€¦ and still have lots more to do! :o  ARRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!