Bit of Cyber cropping for me

Not prepared for the UKS CC (Monopoly) at all, and with baking cheesecake brownies today and watch Dr Who & Dr Who Confidential plus dealing with Away Trip paperwork I didn’t get much done … actually … managed 1 challenge and 1 class … Printed off the PDF files so far though and will do some scrapping on Monday or even tomorrow evening, depending on when we’re back from Inverness. Point system was different this time, so no logging for yourself (shame … I quite liked that but can see why “scrappybunny” wanted to change it for her and the other organisers – they have now more time to take part themselves). True to the theme of MONOPOLY (I’m in the team TOP HATS btw with fellow Edinburgh Croppers Yvonne & Pauline plus Joanne from Isle Of Bute – a guest cropper at our crop) the points were in £££ per layout/challenge. ;) Here you go … first one is: This is the class “Bow Street” (by Gertie) – title was to use alpha letters as “mask” with paint for the title plus th...