
Showing posts from 2018

Brexshit thoughts & bilingualism...

Warning - some mild swearing and POLITICS (in a life affecting way)!! Today I've been thinking about the current political situation in the UK and the whole uncertainty for EU Expats in the UK once the whole “Brexshit” hits the fan! We don’t get information, getting strung along. Hubby is more active in the whole thing (probably because he’s kinda keen for Scotland to go for IndyRef2 - mostly because Scotland voted to remain in the EU and because he sees a lot of issues with Westminster), and his brain is working slightly different (maybe a “side effect” of his Dyslexia?) and he can “see” things 3-4 steps ahead more so than others. There are things coming through about driving licenses (I had to swap my German one to get a UK one - which so far is still EU valid but that will all change once Brexit is through). The EU has been writing papers about that situation way back in January I believe, but the UK gov has not even touched on that subject. Lots of other things. Sooo… gues...

Starting the big blog reboot... (hopefully)

Well... we will see I think. Just decided to use my blog as a brain dump for lots of things now... life stuff, craft stuff kinda thing. And probably will dump a lot more than I would post in Facebook (post length). I know that some people still seem to follow my blog in some way and will continue post a link to my Facebook for friends to look at. There's a lot of things going on in my brain at the moment and I just need to dump it somewhere to get back to or maybe even getting some comments/suggestions from others, but don't need the latter. Sooo... let's see how that is going.