Let's do an update, shall we??
The aspirations for 2016 were.... General/Non-crafting Get a part time job after summer (a bit at least ... to get back into my being "Kat" and not "mummy/mami/mum" etc. ) Actually... Doctor suggested to take 3-6 months out from anything really once girls started school (daily tension headaches have returned ... but I AM looking for a part time job for later this year!!). Lose another stone (or 1.5 ... we'll see) Bit stuck since WW changed from ProPoints to Smart Points ... but hopefully will get there eventually... Declutter the house After Con and holiday... paint living room/get new couch That'll be on the plan for June/July sort out girls' "play room" on middle floor That'll be on the plan for June/July Declutter crafts/get craft room/study set up Hoping to get that started this Friday ... will be a long ongoing thing for the year... More Geocaching with the girls! Definitely will do that... it's on the plan and we'...