
Showing posts from January, 2016

Ok... here we go.... Aspirations for 2016

We don't do New Year resolutions in our household ... but aspirations are fine. ;) Soooo .... what are the plans/aspirations for 2016?? General/Non-crafting Get a part time job after summer (a bit at least ... to get back into my being "Kat" and not "mummy/mami/mum" etc. ) Lose another stone (or 1.5 ... we'll see) Declutter the house paint living room/get new couch sort out girls' "play room" on middle floor Declutter crafts/get craft room/study set up More Geocaching with the girls!  Crafting goals/aspirations 52 scrapbook layouts in 2016 (I think I can manage that ... I think I've done about 12 max per year since the girls were born... :o ) Doctor Who Stitchalong Quilt Harry Potter/Fandom bookshelf quilt Disney Princesses/Winnie the Pooh pillows/quilts for the girls DC Quilt or something for hubby Learn to double-knit and make a scarf for myself (and maybe one for the girls and hubby, too).  USE MY STASH (ok... a ...