First Photo Scavenger Hunt Post of 2014…

Finally getting around to post some photos for this year’s Scavenger Hunt! I think the only item on the list that might be very tricky for me is the sunrise … I’m quite the night owl! 1. A sign welcoming people to your home town (or a nearby town) 2. A garden gnome 3. Birds on a wire 4. A group of tourists 5. A rack of post cards 6. An urban street scene Alnwick 7. A rural landscape 8. A tattoo on a person 9. A bakery 10. A photo bomb (someone found lurking in the background of photo; the lurker may have intended to disrupt the picture or may be doing it unintentionally, but the background lurker is a surprise to the photographer) 11. A horn 12. A mascot 13. A sunrise 14. A parade 15. A juggler 16. A sign in a language other than English 17. A lamp post Was wondering of adding this as “photo bombing”, but actually… I took this photo with the Ape in mind… not the lamp post… 18. A water fall 19. A public garden 20. A bus (not a car, truck, lorry, camper...