
Showing posts from July, 2013

A couple more off the list (Scavenger Hunt)

A trip into the city with the girls resulted in a couple more photos off the list for the Photo Scavenger Hunt 2013. Full report to follow (like from our trip to London!!! ), but just wanted to make sure I post the photos and don’t forget about them until September! #9 A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn’t belong This one is actually debatable…anyone who has ever visited Edinburgh (or Glasgow for that matter) might argue that a traffic cone on a statue (this one of Adam Smith ) is NOT something out of the ordinary or doesn't belong … walking through Edinburgh will show you that several statues sport his kind of “head gear”. #15 – A police car Nicely placed on the Royal Mile while the Fringe Festival has opened it’s “doors” today. Will still keep my eyes open for replacements for those photos.

Photo Scavenger Hunt 2013 update

Our longer weekend in London last week has given me some opportunity to update the Scavenger Hunt, including items I though might pose a problem (a plane, a dinosaur). Getting there, I’d say.   #20 – A dinosaur (we went to the Natural History Museum with the girls) #8 – A tower (Water Tower and Chimney at Kew Gardens (in form of an Italian Campanile)) #4 – Airplane (our plane to get to London – first flight with Virgin) #1 – Open Air Market (not a full market, but a stand selling bread etc at Kew Station) #7 – A sign that’s intentionally or unintentionally funny (Hubby and I found this sign on a tub of Maple Pecan ice cream funny – I mean… WHAT OTHER NUTS?!?!) #14 – A stained glass object or a mosaic (windows in the Natural History Museum) #10 – A bench that is outside (at Hobbits’ birthday at Grandparents block of flats) So I got there – missed out on the Windmill at Putney due to timings, but will manage to get a photo somehow … even if it’s “thinking outside the...