Week of tidying…

Hubby is off this week, and we’re tackling the house “a bit”. The twins are at the grandparents yesterday and today (2 nights instead of the usual 1 night), so we’ve tried to make some inroads in our new study. That room used to be our box room (and that’s literally that!) since we moved in, housed several things from American Football stuff over paperwork to hobby stuff from me and lego and boxes of comic books from hubby. You definitely could NOT step into it, and new stuff was just added to it in the front of the room. Which happened when we needed to empty our old study upstairs for the girls’ nursery at the beginning of the year. Now … I’m a bad scrapper given that I haven’t taken photos of the “before” situation, and I should have taken a photo yesterday evening of our “beginnings” to clear things, but that’s the situation now: Several things that lived in the hall is now back in the study, so it’s not as much space as I had earlier, but it’s CARPET we can see, we can walk...